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崔莉 许成谦

崔莉, 许成谦. 两类最优零相关区非周期互补序列集的构造[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2022, 44(12): 4304-4311. doi: 10.11999/JEIT210950
引用本文: 崔莉, 许成谦. 两类最优零相关区非周期互补序列集的构造[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2022, 44(12): 4304-4311. doi: 10.11999/JEIT210950
CUI Li, XU Chengqian. Constructions of Two Optimal Zero Correlation Zone Aperiodic Complementary Sequence Sets[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2022, 44(12): 4304-4311. doi: 10.11999/JEIT210950
Citation: CUI Li, XU Chengqian. Constructions of Two Optimal Zero Correlation Zone Aperiodic Complementary Sequence Sets[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2022, 44(12): 4304-4311. doi: 10.11999/JEIT210950


doi: 10.11999/JEIT210950
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61671402),河北省自然科学基金(F2020203043),河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目(ZD2021105)




    许成谦 cqxu@ysu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN911.2

Constructions of Two Optimal Zero Correlation Zone Aperiodic Complementary Sequence Sets

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61671402), The Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (F2020203043), The Natural Science Researh Programs of Hebei Educational Committee (ZD2021105)
  • 摘要: 该文基于正交矩阵,通过不同的矩阵变换的方法,提出两类零相关区(ZCZ)非周期互补序列集(ZACSS)的构造方法。在正交矩阵的阶能够被零相关区长度整除的条件下,所得序列集参数均能达到最优,且零相关区长度可以灵活选择。第1种方法构造的序列集具有理想的自相关互补性,通过进一步分组,可以得到多个组内互补的序列集。利用初始矩阵和正交矩阵的多样性能够构造出大量的最优零相关区非周期互补序列集,可应用于多载波码分多址(MC-CDMA)系统作为用户地址码来消除多径干扰和多址干扰。
  • 表  1  ZACSS构造方法的比较

    文献[10]两个$N \times N$的正交矩阵$\left( {[{N \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {N Z}} \right. } Z},N],Z} \right) - {\text{IGC}}_N^N$灵活:$Z$
    $Q \times Q$和$L \times L$的正交矩阵,$Q = pZ$, $L = NZ$$\left( {pNZ,Z} \right){\text{ACS}}_Q^L$灵活:$Z$
    $Q \times Q$和$L \times L$的正交矩阵,$Q = {p^n}Z$, $L = NZ$$\left( {{p^n}NZ,Z} \right){\text{ACS}}_Q^L$灵活:$Z$
    文献[13]2元$\left( {T,Z} \right){\text{ACS}}_M^N$4元$\left( {T,Z} \right){\text{ACS}}_M^N$$T = M\left\lfloor {{N \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {N Z}} \right. } Z}} \right\rfloor $时最优固定:Z
    $D \times D$的正交矩阵,$\left( {M,L} \right){\text{ACS}}_N^L$且$\gcd \left( {L,D} \right) = 1$$\left( {MD,L} \right){\text{ACS}}_N^{LD}$$M = N$时
    文献[16]完备互补序列集${\text{PC}}\left( {M,L} \right)$$\left( {[{2^n},{2^n}M],Z} \right){\text{IaGC}}_{{2^n}M}^{{2^n}L}$组内最优$\left\{ {1,2,4, \cdots ,{2^{n - 1}}} \right\}$
    文献[19]${2^n} \times {2^n}$Hadamard矩阵,长度为$N$,ZCZ长度为$Z$ 的2元互补序列偶,$ N = {2^\alpha }{10^\beta }{26^\gamma } + 1 $$\left( {{2^{n + 1}},Z} \right){\text{ACS}}_{{2^{n + 1}}}^N$固定:$Z$
    矩阵$ {{\mathbf{U}}_{H \times Z}} $和${{\mathbf{V}}_{H \times H}}$,两个$Q$阶正交矩阵,$Z|Q$$\left( {HQ,Z} \right){\text{ACS}}_Q^Q$灵活:可任意
    正交矩阵${{\mathbf{A}}_{Q \times Q}}$和${{\mathbf{B}}_{L \times L}}$,$L = NZ$, $ Q=HZ $$\left( {HL,Z} \right){\text{ACS}}_Q^L$灵活:可任意
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