Multi-carrier Index Modulation Based on Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions with Better Multiple-mode
摘要: 围绕如何提高椭圆球面波(PSWFs)多载波调制系统频带利用率,该文在双模PSWFs多载波索引调制解调方法的基础上,引入由额外星座点组成的第3星座图,提出基于优化多重索引的PSWFs多载波索引调制解调方法BIM-MCM-PSWFs。该方法通过对分组后每个子块中子载波的多重排列组合,拓展了信号索引维度,增加了调制符号组合数,实现了双模PSWFs多载波索引调制解调方法中频谱资源的进一步利用,有效提高了系统频带利用率。理论和仿真分析表明,该文所提方法相较于双模PSWFs多载波索引调制解调方法,以适当牺牲误码性能为代价,具有更高的系统频带利用率,当n=9, k=1, m=4时,以误比特率(BER)牺牲了0.70 dB为代价,系统频带利用率(SE)提升了20.1%。Abstract: Focusing on how to improve the system spectral efficiency of Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions(PSWFs) multi-carrier modulation system, a third constellation composed of additional constellation points on the basis of multi-carrier index modulation based on PSWFs with dual-mode method is introduced in this paper. The Multi-Carrier index Modulation based on PSWFs with Better multIple-Mode (BIM-MCM-PSWFs) is proposed. In this method, the signal index dimension is expanded and the number of modulation symbol combinations is increased through the multiple arrangement and combination of subcarriers in each sub block after grouping. The method proposed in this paper realizes the further utilization of spectrum resources in the multi-carrier index modulation based on PSWFs with dual-mode method, and improves effectively system spectral efficiency. Theoretical and simulation analysis show that, compared with the multi-carrier index modulation based on PSWFs with dual-mode method, the method proposed in this paper has a higher system spectral efficiency at the cost of appropriately sacrificing bit error performance. When n=9, k=1, m=4, Spectral Efficiency(SE) is increased by 20.1% at the expense of 0.70 dB of Bit Error Rate(BER).
表 1 n=4, k=3, m=2时BIM-MCM-PSWFs的一种映射方案
比特信号 信号索引 子载波映射 [0,0,0] {3,1,2,2} {$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm C} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm A} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (2) $} [0,0,1] {3,2,1,2} {$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm C} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm A} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (2) $} [0,1,0] {1,3,2,2} {$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm A} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm C} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (2) $} [0,1,1] {2,3,1,2} {$ s_{{\rm{\rm I}}} ^{{\rm{\rm B}}} (1) $,$ s_{{\rm{\rm I}}} ^{{\rm{\rm C}}} (1) $,$ s_{{\rm{\rm I}}} ^{{\rm{\rm A}}} (1) $,$ s_{{\rm{\rm I}}} ^{{\rm{\rm B}}} (2) $} [1,0,0] {1,2,3,2} {$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm A} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm C} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (2) $} [1,0,1] {2,1,3,2} {$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm A} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm C} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (2) $} [1,1,0] {1,2,2,3} {$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm A} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (2) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm C} (1) $} [1,1,1] {2,1,2,3} {$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm A} (1) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm B} (2) $,$ s_{\rm I} ^{\rm C} (1) $} 表 2 不同多载波调制方法系统频带利用率
调制方法 g n k m SE(bit/(s·Hz)) Eb/N0(dB) $\rho $(%) BIM-MCM-PSWFs 10 9 8 4 3.71 12.93 / DM-MCM-PSWFs 10 9 4 / 3.09 12.23 20.1 MCM-PSWFs-SGO-2PAM 9 10 7 / 2.41 11.05 53.9 MCM-PSWFs-SGO-4PAM 10 9 4 / 2.89 14.69 28.4 表 3 不同多载波调制方法系统频带利用率
调制方法 选取PSWFs信号阶数 能量聚集度(%) g n k m SE(bit/(s·Hz)) BIM-MCM-PSWFs 前c-l 阶 99.99 10 9 8 4 3.70 BIM-MCM-PSWFs 后c-l 阶 99.90 10 9 8 4 3.38 表 4 信号索引检测乘法运算量
调制方式 运算量 n k m 乘法次数(B=1.44 MHz) DM-MCM-PSWFs-ML $O\left(ng{2^{\left\lfloor { { {\log }_{\text{2} } }C_n^k} \right\rfloor } }\right)$ 4 2 / 368 9 4 / 5760 BIM-MCM-PSWFs-ML $O\left(ng\left({2}^{\lfloor {\mathrm{log} }_{\text{2} }{C}_{n}^{k}\rfloor }\text{+}{2}^{\lfloor {\mathrm{log} }_{\text{2} }{C}_{k}^{m}\rfloor }\right)\right)$ 4 3 2 552 9 8 4 6480 -
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