A Medical Image Segmentation Network with Boundary Enhancement
摘要: 针对传统医学图像分割网络存在边缘分割不清晰、缺失值大等问题,该文提出一种具有边缘增强特点的医学图像分割网络(AS-UNet)。利用掩膜边缘提取算法得到掩膜边缘图,在UNet扩张路径的最后3层引入结合多尺度特征图的边缘注意模块(BAB),并提出组合损失函数来提高分割精度;测试时通过舍弃BAB来减少参数。在3种不同类型的医学图像分割数据集Glas, DRIVE, ISIC2018上进行实验,与其他分割方法相比,AS-UNet分割性能较优。Abstract: A medical image segmentation network with boundary enhancement, named as the AS-UNet (Add-and-Subtract UNet), is proposed to solve the problems of traditional segmentation networks for medical images, such as unclear boundary segmentation and large missing value. The mask boundary image is obtained by using the mask boundary image extraction algorithm, and the Boundary Attention Block (BAB) with multi-scale feature maps is introduced into the last three layers of the UNet expansion path. Moreover, the combinatorial loss function is proposed to improve the segmentation accuracy. In testing, the BAB can be abandoned to reduce testing parameters. Comparisons with other segmentation methods on three different types of medical image segmentation datasets, Glas, DRIVE and ISIC2018 are provided, indicating that the segmentation performance of the AS-UNet is better.
表 1 不同模型在不同数据集上分割结果对比
方法 Glas DRIVE ISIC2018 参数量(M) Mean Dice F1值 Hausdorff距离 Mean Dice F1值 Hausdorff距离 Mean Dice F1值 Hausdorff距离 UNet 0.8620 0.9120 120.82 0.7403 0.8806 55.50 0.8684 0.8932 42.48 7.93 UNet++ 0.8679 0.9238 89.19 0.7545 0.8992 52.17 0.8693 0.9016 38.19 9.24 DRU-Net 0.8724 0.9131 128.09 0.7402 0.8939 95.23 0.8731 0.9050 41.22 3.57 KiU-Net 0.8668 0.9154 101.45 0.7436 0.8828 50.79 0.8667 0.9159 36.23 0.75 本文 0.8839 0.9341 89.02 0.7619 0.9070 44.61 0.8837 0.9223 34.95 7.94 表 2 消融实验
基础网络 对比
方法Glas DRIVE ISIC2018 参数量(M) Mean
DiceF1值 Hausdorff
DiceF1值 Hausdorff
DiceF1值 Hausdorff
距离UNet UNet 0.8620 0.9120 120.82 0.7403 0.8806 55.50 0.8684 0.8932 42.48 7.93 +BAB 0.8842 0.9340 90.11 0.7619 0.9071 44.90 0.8835 0.9223 34.77 8.95 +Sub 0.8839 0.9341 89.02 0.7619 0.9070 44.61 0.8837 0.9223 34.95 7.94 FCN FCN 0.7931 0.7171 135.12 0.6671 0.5863 59.12 0.8026 0.8015 50.30 9.31 +BAB 0.8175 0.7346 120.47 0.7038 0.6034 49.35 0.8294 0.8203 44.88 10.09 +Sub 0.8174 0.7346 121.33 0.7038 0.6032 49.81 0.8296 0.8201 44.95 9.31 表 3 不同注意力模块在不同数据集上的分割结果对比
BAB中注意力模块 Glas DRIVE ISIC2018 Mean
DiceF1值 Hausdorff
DiceF1值 Hausdorff
DiceF1值 Hausdorff
距离无 0.8768 0.8993 108.51 0.7535 0.8754 49.05 0.8799 0.9096 38.18 scSE 0.8803 0.9208 97.08 0.7595 0.8812 46.18 0.8812 0.9166 37.51 本文方法 0.8839 0.9341 89.02 0.7619 0.9070 44.61 0.8837 0.9223 34.95 表 4 不同损失函数在不同数据集上的分割结果对比
损失函数 Glas DRIVE ISIC2018 Mean
DiceF1值 Hausdorff
DiceF1值 Hausdorff
DiceF1值 Hausdorff
距离Dice 损失 0.8779 0.9250 90.19 0.7605 0.8891 45.02 0.8800 0.9195 35.30 Boundary损失 0.8648 0.9189 92.53 0.7518 0.8773 47.91 0.8777 0.9173 36.19 Dice + Boundary
损失0.8839 0.9341 89.02 0.7619 0.9070 44.61 0.8837 0.9223 34.95 -
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