Implementation of Digital Holographic Convolutional Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Open Computing Language Acceleration
摘要: 针对数字全息重建算法计算速度慢、实时应用能力弱以及现有GPU加速策略跨平台移植性差等问题,该文提出一种利用开放运算语言(OpenCL)架构提高数字全息重建算法执行效率的方案。该方案充分利用OpenCL架构的异构协同计算能力,对数字全息卷积重建算法进行CPU+GPU的异构运行设计,并采用数据并行模式编程实现。针对不同分辨率数字全息图、不同GPU加速平台的测试结果表明,该加速策略的平均执行时间均比CPU低1个数量级,最高总加速比达到54.2,并行运算加速比甚至高达94.7,且具有规模增长性及良好的跨平台特性,加速效率显著,更加适用于数字全息技术的工程化实现及实时性应用场合。Abstract: In view of the problems of slow calculation speed of digital holographic reconstruction algorithm, weak real-time application ability and poor cross-platform portability of existing GPU acceleration strategies, a scheme is proposed based on Open Computing Language (OpenCL) architecture to improve the execution efficiency of digital holographic reconstruction algorithm. In more details, the heterogeneous collaborative computing capabilities of the OpenCL architecture is fully used to design a CPU+GPU heterogeneous operation for the digital holographic convolutional reconstruction algorithm, which is programmed in the data parallel mode. The tests are carried out on the digital holograms in various image resolutions and on the different GPU acceleration platforms. The results indicate that the average execution time of this acceleration strategy is approximately an order of magnitude lower than that of the CPU, the highest total acceleration ratio is 54.2, and the parallel computing acceleration ratio even reaches up to 94.7. Characterized by a scale growth, good cross-platform portability and significant acceleration efficiency, it is more suitable for the engineering realization of digital holographic technology, especially in the real-time applications.
表 1 两种GPU加速平台参数
平台 型号 频率 内存 流处理单元 加速平台1 CPU1:AMD Ryzen 5 3600 4.1 GHz 16 GB GPU1:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER 1530 MHz 6 GB 1408 加速平台2 CPU2:AMD Ryzen 7 Mobile 1.8 GHz 16 GB GPU2:AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics 1750 MHz 512 MB 512 表 2 不同CPU与GPU加速平台的全息重建总执行时间对比
序号 分辨率(像素) 总执行时间(ms) CPU1 加速平台1
(CUDA)CPU 2 加速平台2 a 512×384 239 12 10 421 71.3 b 1024×768 828 24 16.7 1475 138 c 1536×1152 1822 39 30 3045 273.6 d 2048×1536 3208 66.3 50 5495 445.9 e 2560×1920 4989 98.4 70 8758 739 f 3072×2304 7171 132.3 97 11334 1147.4 表 3 不同GPU加速平台下全息重建的分项执行时间对比(OpenCL版本)(ms)
序号 分辨率(像素) 串行运算用时 数据传输用时 并行运算用时 CPU1 CPU2 CPU1-GPU1 CPU2-GPU2 GPU1 GPU2 a 512×384 1.3 3.3 0.7 2 10 66 b 1024×768 5 15.3 0.7 3.7 18.3 119 c 1536×1152 12.3 33.3 2 11 24.7 229.3 d 2048×1536 20.3 56.3 5 14.3 41 375.3 e 2560×1920 32.7 78 5.7 19.7 60 641.3 f 3072×2304 47.3 103.7 9.3 33 75.7 1010.7 -
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