Research on Non-ideal Wireless Orbital Angular Momentum Multiplexing Communication System Based on Phase Compensation
摘要: 电磁波轨道角动量各模态间满足严格正交性,为无线通信系统提供了一个新的复用维度。当前无线轨道角动量通信的研究仍集中于理想视距(LoS)场景,在实际通信场景中,多径效应和非对齐效应等非理想传输情况通常是无法避免的,这会使得无线轨道角动量多入多出(OAM-MIMO)通信系统的性能遭受较大损失。为提升非理想无线OAM-MIMO通信系统性能,该文建模了一种更加符合实际传输场景的毫米波OAM-MIMO 10射线信道模型;然后评估了多径效应和非对齐效应带来的性能损失问题;最后,提出了一种低复杂度的平均相位补偿与迭代功率分配(APC-IPA)联合优化方案来消除非对齐和多径效应造成的相位偏差,提升系统信道容量。仿真结果表明:在同时遭受非对齐和多径效应时,所提APC-IPA联合方案能够有效地提升系统信道容量。Abstract: The Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) satisfies orthogonality between each mode, which provides a new multiplexing dimension for wireless communication systems. At present, OAM communication still focuses on the Line of Sight (LoS) scenarios. The OAM Multiple Input Multiple Output (OAM-MIMO) communication system performance can be deteriorated by the non-ideal transmission conditions such as multipath and misalignment effects in the real scenarios. In order to improve the performance of the OAM-MIMO communication system, a millimeter-wave OAM-MIMO ten-rays channel in the actual transmission scenario is modelled in this paper; Then, the performance loss caused by multipath and misalignment effects are evaluated; Finally, a low-complexity Average Phase Compensation and Iterative Power Allocation (APC-IPA) joint optimization scheme is proposed to eliminate the phase deviation from the misalignment and multipath effects, and improve the capacity. The simulation results show that the proposed APC-IPA joint scheme increase effectively the channel capacity of the system when suffering from misalignment and multipath effects.
表 1 IPA算法
初始化:L, $ {P_{\text{t}}} $, $ {{\mathbf{H}}_{{\text{OAM}}}} $, ε, i = 1 (1) 根据式(30)计算相位补偿矩阵Q; (2) 根据式(31)更新OAM信道矩阵$ {{\mathbf{H}}_{{\text{OAM}}}} $; (3) For l = 1:L (4) 计算$ \rho _l^{(0)} = {{{P_{\text{t}}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{P_{\text{t}}}} N}} \right. } N} $,根据式(16)计算$ {\text{SINR}}_l^{(0)} $; (5) End for (6) 根据式(17)和式(32)计算$ {C^{(0)}} $和$ {u^{(0)}} $; (7) For l = 1:L (8) 根据式(16)和式(33)更新$ {\text{SINR}}_l^{(i)} $和$ \rho _l^{(i)} $; (9) End for (10) 根据式(17)更新$ {C^{(i)}} $; (11) If $ {C^{(i)}} - {C^{(i - 1)}} > \varepsilon $,then (12) 根据式(32)更新$ {u^{(i)}} $; (13) i = i+1,回到步骤(7); (14) Else (15) Break; (16) End if (17) 输出最终的功率分配方案$ \left\{ {{\rho _1},{\rho _2},\cdots,{\rho _L}} \right\} $。 -
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