Online Estimation for Phased Array Seeker Pointing Error Slope Using Rao-Blackwellised Particle Filters
摘要: 针对相控阵导引头指向误差斜率对导弹制导系统带来的寄生回路振荡问题,该文提出一种指向误差斜率在线估计的算法,并能同步估计出目标状态。基于Rao-Blackwellised粒子滤波(RBPF),将指向误差斜率和目标状态同步估计问题分解为两个问题:一个是指向误差斜率的后验估计问题,另一个是以指向误差斜率估计为条件的目标状态估计问题。该文给出了算法的推导过程,并进行了数字仿真验证。仿真结果表明,该文所提算法对于相控阵导引头指向误差斜率的估计性能优良;并能同时准确估计出目标状态信息。采用此信息形成导引指令,可以消除指向误差斜率对制导系统的不利影响,提高系统的稳定性和制导精度。
- 相控阵导引头 /
- 指向误差斜率 /
- 目标状态 /
- 在线同步估计 /
- Rao-Blackwellised粒子滤波
Abstract: Considering the problem of parasitic loop oscillation caused by pointing error slope of phased array seeker for missile guidance system, an estimation algorithm of pointing error slope is proposed, and target state can be estimated synchronously. Based on the Rao-Blackwellised Particle Filters (RBPF), the simultaneous estimation of pointing error slope and target state is decomposed into two problems: one is the posterior estimation of pointing error slope, the other is the target state estimation conditional on the estimation of pointing error slope. The derivation process of the algorithm is given and the numerical simulation is carried out. The simulation results show that the algorithm proposed has better performance in estimating the pointing error slope of phased array seeker, and the target state information can be estimated accurately at the same time. Using this information to form the guidance command can eliminate the adverse effects of pointing error slope on the guidance system, and improve system stability and guidance accuracy. -
表 1 仿真初始条件
符号 定义 取值 ${V_{\rm{T}}}$ 目标速度 300 m/s ${V_{\rm{M}}}$ 导弹速度 600 m/s ${D_0}$ 导弹目标初始距离 10000 m ${\theta _{\rm{M}}}$ 导弹初始偏角 15° ${\theta _{\rm{T}}}$ 目标飞行偏角 160° 表 2 仿真参数
符号 定义 取值 SNR 信噪比 25 dB ${\sigma _R}$ 导引头角度测量噪声 1 mrad M 粒子数 100 [a,b] 均匀分布区间 [–0.06, 0.06] -
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