Direction Finding Method with Arbitrary Planar Array Based on Mixed Baselines
摘要: 为了适应各种阵列构型,该文提出基于混合基线的任意平面阵列干涉仪测向方法。首先,基于无相位模糊的数学模型分析,推导了混合基线任意平面阵干涉仪测向方法。然后,针对相位模糊问题,提出了基于归一化改进方向函数的聚类方法,并给出了基线对的选取方法。最后,通过数值仿真在随机任意阵、均匀圆阵和半圆阵上验证了所提方法的有效性。该方法对所选基线对中两个基线的长度和斜率没有约束。仿真结果显示,借助灵活的基线对选择以及归一化改进方向函数的引入,混合基线算法的解模糊性能优于等长基线算法和立体基线算法。Abstract: In order to adapt to various array layouts, a direction-finding method with arbitrary planar array interferometer based on mixed baselines is proposed. Firstly, based on the analysis of the mathematical model without phase ambiguity, the direction-finding method via the mixed baselines with arbitrary planar array interferometer is derived. Secondly, for the problem of phase ambiguity, a clustering method based on the improved direction function with normalization is proposed, and the selection method of the baseline pairs is given. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method on random arbitrary array, uniform circular array and semicircular array. This method does not restrict the lengths and the slopes of the two baselines in the selected baseline pair. The simulation results show that with the help of flexible selection of baseline pairs and the introduction of the improved direction function with normalization, the ambiguity resolution performance of the mixed baselines algorithm is better than the equal-length baselines algorithm and the stereo baselines algorithm.
表 1 相同孔径不同阵型相位解模糊性能比较(%)
阵型 SNR(dB) –15 –10 –5 5元均匀圆阵 91.4 100 100 7元均匀圆阵 95.0 100 100 8元均匀圆阵 96.4 100 100 -
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