Key Technology and Development of Triple Modular Redundancy Tool for FPGA
摘要: SRAM型现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)在空间辐射环境中容易受到单粒子效应的影响,从而发生软错误,三模冗余技术(TMR)是目前使用最广泛的缓解FPGA软错误的电路加固技术。该文首先介绍了三模冗余技术研究现状,然后总结了三模冗余工具常用的细粒度TMR技术、系统分级技术、配置刷新技术、状态同步技术4项关键技术及其实现原理。随着FPGA的高层次综合技术愈发成熟,基于高层次综合的三模冗余工具逐渐成为新的研究分支,该文分类介绍了当前主流的基于寄存器传输级的三模冗余工具,基于重要软核资源的三模冗余工具,以及新兴的基于高层次综合的三模冗余工具,最后对FPGA三模冗余工具的未来发展趋势进行了总结与展望。Abstract: SRAM-based FPGAs are sensitive to single event effect in space radiation environment, resulting in soft errors. Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) is the most widely used circuit hardening technology to alleviate FPGA soft errors. This paper introduces first the current research status of TMR technology, and then summarizes four key technologies and their implementation principles of fine-grained TMR technology, system partitioning technology, configuration scrubbing technology and state synchronization technology, which are commonly used in TMR tools. As the high-level synthesis technology of FPGA becomes more and more mature, the TMR tools based on high level synthesis have gradually become a new research branch. The current mainstream TMR tools based on the register transfer level, TMR tools based on important soft-core resources, and the emerging TMR tools based on high-level synthesis are classified and introduced. Finally, the future development trend of TMR tool for FPGA is summarized and forecasted.
表 1 现有的TMR工具
分类 特点 工具 特点 基于RTL 可以实现对TMR实现细节的微调,
需要掌握综合阶段的各种中间网表文件的细节RASP-TMR Verilog语言的TMR,基于MATLAB开发,功能简单 TMRG Verilog语言的TMR,使用Python编写,维护积极,适合学术交流 Xilinx TMRTool RTL级.ngc网表文件的TMR,受国际武器贸易条例保护 BL-TMR RTL级.edif网表文件的TMR,开源版本早已停止更新 Mentor Precision Hi-Rel RTL综合阶段TMR,采用细粒度TMR技术,基于汉明编码的安全状态机策略 Synopsys Synplify
PremierRTL综合阶段TMR,与Mentor的工具类似,网上可查阅的资料少 基于HLS 大幅缩短设计周期,提供流水线设计,减轻
对设计进行HLS空间探索TLegUp HLS阶段的TMR,构建该方向的大框架,受商业化的限制,更新停滞 C-TMR C语言的TMR,可对设计进行HLS空间探索,还未形成完成工具 基于软核 对软核提供了功能完备的保护,但仅针对MicroBlaze提供TMR优化,使用范围单一局限 Xilinx Vivado MicroBlaze TMR 软核的TMR,5个IP组成的TMR子系统,自动管理和屏蔽影响MicroBlaze软核的故障 -
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