Feature Fusion Method Based on Label-sensitive Multi-set Orthogonal Correlation
摘要: 典型相关分析(CCA)作为一种经典的特征融合方法,广泛用于模式识别领域,其目标是学习相关投影方向使两组变量间的相关性最大,但其没有考虑样本的类标签信息和样本间的信息冗余(MDOCCA),从而影响了融合后特征的监督敏感性和鉴别力。为此,该文提出一种标签敏感的多重集正交相关特征融合方法,该方法在典型相关分析理论基础上,将类标签信息嵌入到特征融合框架,同时加入正交约束确保融合特征最大限度的不相关,减少特征信息冗余,提高鉴别力。在不同图像数据集上的实验结果显示该方法是一种有效的特征融合方法。Abstract: As a classic feature fusion method, Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is widely used in the field of pattern recognition. Its goal is to learn the relevant projection direction to maximize the correlation between the two sets of variables, but the class label information of the sample and the information between samples redundancy are not considered, which affects the supervisory sensitivity and discriminative power of the fused features. To this end, a label-sensitive Multi-set Discriminant Orthogonal Canonical Correlation Analysis (MDOCCA) feature fusion method is proposed. This method is based on canonical correlation analysis theory. The class label information is embedded into the feature fusion framework, and the orthogonal constraint is added to ensure the maximum fusion of features. Irrelevant, the redundancy of feature information is reduced and the discrimination is improved. Some experiments on multiple image data sets show that this method is an effective feature fusion method.
Key words:
- Feature fusion /
- Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) /
- Multi-set /
- Discriminative /
- Orthogonal
表 1 在GT图像数据集上的识别率变化结果(%)
5训练样本 6训练样本 7训练样本 8训练样本 MDOCCA 70.20±2.39 75.42±2.83 80.75±2.17 83.23±2.15 GrMCC 61.12±2.66 66.71±1.47 72.78±1.23 77.06±2.21 DMCCA 63.18±3.17 67.53±1.26 73.42±1.77 75.51±1.48 GMCCA 48.36±1.95 52.62±1.55 58.30±1.90 62.89±2.69 CCA 59.08±1.81 61.78±1.35 66.22±1.66 68.14±2.01 * A±B:A表示平均识别率,B表示相应的识别率标准差 表 2 在ORL图像数据集上的识别率变化结果(%)
5训练样本 6训练样本 7训练样本 8训练样本 MDOCCA 94.15±1.45 96.50±1.87 97.67±1.61 99.50±0.65 GrMCC 93.40±1.94 95.88±1.15 96.75±1.59 99.38±0.88 DMCCA 93.50±1.73 95.44±1.82 96.92±1.62 99.50±0.65 GMCCA 85.50±1.68 88.75±2.41 91.92±2.78 95.50±2.22 CCA 90.35±1.83 93.19±1.94 93.83±1.68 97.25±1.15 * A±B:A表示平均识别率,B表示相应的识别率标准差 表 3 在AR图像数据集上的识别率变化结果(%)
5训练样本 6训练样本 7训练样本 8训练样本 MDOCCA 98.50±0.45 98.85±0.59 99.19±0.34 99.21±0.28 GrMCC 95.56±0.88 97.38±0.81 98.38±0.36 98.82±0.30 DMCCA 98.27±0.49 98.72±0.58 99.05±0.37 99.18±0.23 GMCCA 93.09±1.18 95.25±0.34 96.60±0.78 97.26±0.42 CCA 97.09±0.70 97.86±0.60 98.46±0.35 98.58±0.20 * A±B:A表示平均识别率,B表示相应的识别率标准差 表 4 在PIE图像数据集上的识别率变化结果(%)
10训练样本 15训练样本 20训练样本 25训练样本 30训练样本 MDOCCA 79.04±0.65 85.41±0.84 87.99±0.65 90.58±0.63 91.12±0.50 GrMCC 64.00±1.03 75.47±1.21 81.39±0.97 85.47±0.70 87.27±0.52 DMCCA 75.71±0.82 82.61±0.82 85.53±0.51 88.31±0.63 89.15±0.42 GMCCA 65.37±0.98 74.33±1.16 79.16±0.86 82.57±1.07 84.46±0.52 CCA 68.99±0.92 77.06±1.29 81.03±0.75 84.12±0.85 85.41±0.44 * A±B:A表示平均识别率,B表示相应的识别率标准差 -
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