Bayesian Network Structure Algorithm Based on V-structure & Log-Likelihood Orientation and Tabu Hill Climbing
摘要: 针对爬山算法搜索空间过大和易陷入局部最优的问题,该文提出基于V-结构&对数似然函数定向与禁忌爬山的贝叶斯网络结构算法(VTH)。该算法利用定向最大支撑树约束搜索空间,在最大支撑树定向过程中,提出V-结构与对数似然函数(VLL)结合的定向策略;在评分搜索过程中,提出禁忌爬山(VTH)评分搜索策略,该策略将禁忌表清空机制与爬山搜索的局部择优准则结合,在提高全局寻优能力的同时也能保证搜索效率。该算法与其他算法在Asia, Car, Child和Alarm 4种标准网络中进行仿真实验,对比汉明距离、F1值、平衡评分函数(BSF)值、运行时间4个指标,验证了该算法的有效性。Abstract: Hill climbing algorithm has too large search space and is easy to fall into local optimum. In this paper, a new Bayesian network structure algorithm based on V-structure & log-likelihood orientation and Tabu Hill (VTH) climbing is proposed. The algorithm limits the search space by using the oriented maximum weight spanning tree. In the process of maximum weight spanning tree orientation, the orientation strategy based on V-structure and Log-Likelihood (VLL) function is proposed. Tabu Hill Climbing (THC) scoring search strategy is established during the process of search, it combines the tabu list clearing mechanism with the local optimization criteria of hill climbing, the strategy not only ensures the search efficiency, but also improves the global optimization ability. By comparing Hamming distance, F1-value, Balanced Scoring Function(BSF) value and Time with other algorithms in Asia, Car, Child and Alarm standard networks, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified.
表 1 4种网络中VLL策略和CRAE策略定向结果
网络 数据量 VLL策略 CRAE策略 T F acc(%) T F acc(%) Asia 1000 5.56 0.58 90.58 3.58 2.56 58.33 5000 6.02 0.47 92.81 3.62 2.87 55.82 10000 6.27 0.47 93.07 3.71 3.02 55.12 Car 1000 7.93 0.96 89.25 5.87 3.02 66.00 5000 8.18 0.82 90.86 6.00 2.98 66.83 10000 8.11 0.89 90.12 6.00 3.00 66.67 Child 1000 13.78 4.98 73.46 14.31 4.44 76.30 5000 13.93 5.07 73.33 14.20 4.80 74.74 10000 13.98 5.02 73.57 14.18 4.82 74.62 Alarm 1000 33.49 0.44 98.69 23.40 10.53 68.96 5000 34.02 0 100.00 22.84 11.18 67.15 10000 34.00 0 100.00 22.69 11.31 66.73 表 2 对比算法介绍
算法 描述 HC算法 经典爬山算法 Tabu算法 利用禁忌表提高爬山全局寻优能力的禁忌搜索算法 MMHC算法 依赖分析与爬山算法结合的经典混合算法 CHC算法 通过动态限制提高爬山效率的高效算法 FastCHC算法 对CHC算法的改进算法 SHC算法 标准节点序定向最大支撑树与简化爬山结合的有效算法 SaiyanH算法 新近提出的爬山算法和禁忌搜索结合的混合算法 表 4 Car网络中不同算法F1值和BSF值结果
数据量 对比项 HC MMHC Tabu SHC CHC FastCHC SaiyanH VTH 1000 F1 0.6383 0.8317 0.6962 0.7690 0.6456 0.6495 0.7852 0.8810 BSF 0.6357 0.7589 0.6742 0.7686 0.6410 0.6430 0.7380 0.8203 5000 F1 0.7133 0.9042 0.7673 0.8133 0.7161 0.7179 0.8299 0.9609 BSF 0.6989 0.8333 0.7345 0.8118 0.7006 0.7020 0.7785 0.8958 10000 F1 0.7346 0.8982 0.7844 0.8462 0.7346 0.7346 0.8443 0.9617 BSF 0.7164 0.8277 0.7485 0.8426 0.7164 0.7164 0.7911 0.8919 表 5 Child网络中不同算法F1值和BSF值结果
数据量 对比项 HC MMHC Tabu SHC CHC FastCHC SaiyanH VTH 1000 F1 0.7054 0.8367 0.7644 0.8930 0.7068 0.6999 0.8467 0.8554 BSF 0.6193 0.7250 0.6649 0.7736 0.6209 0.6152 0.7308 0.7386 5000 F1 0.7666 0.9167 0.8291 0.9698 0.7654 0.7636 0.9187 0.9715 BSF 0.7273 0.8422 0.7776 0.9014 0.7273 0.7251 0.8526 0.9061 10000 F1 0.8000 0.9267 0.8514 0.9717 0.8016 0.8021 0.9061 0.9366 BSF 0.7607 0.8569 0.8006 0.9030 0.7621 0.7626 0.8466 0.8775 表 3 Asia网络中不同算法F1值和BSF值结果
数据量 对比项 HC MMHC Tabu SHC CHC FastCHC SaiyanH VTH 1000 F1 0.6579 0.7450 0.6862 0.8369 0.6424 0.6401 0.6319 0.8788 BSF 0.4964 0.5696 0.5192 0.6730 0.4841 0.4823 0.4782 0.6950 5000 F1 0.5900 0.8549 0.6481 0.8739 0.5923 0.5923 0.7687 0.9118 BSF 0.4512 0.6812 0.4966 0.7137 0.4530 0.4530 0.5990 0.7325 10000 F1 0.6526 0.8748 0.6721 0.9046 0.6526 0.6526 0.7974 0.9335 BSF 0.5069 0.7052 0.5226 0.7468 0.5069 0.5069 0.6300 0.7605 表 6 Alarm网络中不同算法F1值和BSF值结果
数据量 对比项 HC MMHC Tabu SHC CHC FastCHC SaiyanH VTH 1000 F1 0.5128 0.7767 0.5369 0.7951 0.5068 0.5095 0.7616 0.8090 BSF 0.5680 0.7644 0.5807 0.7457 0.5642 0.5658 0.7413 0.7545 5000 F1 0.5463 0.8690 0.5589 0.8866 0.5485 0.5485 0.7891 0.9165 BSF 0.6413 0.8474 0.6485 0.8488 0.6425 0.6421 0.7955 0.8755 10000 F1 0.5313 0.8268 0.5484 0.9093 0.5308 0.5329 0.7972 0.9514 BSF 0.6402 0.8183 0.6505 0.8856 0.6399 0.6381 0.8072 0.9174 -
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