A Similarity Measurement Method for Magnetic Anomaly Signal under Low Signal-to-Noise Based on Orthogonal Basis Function–Edit Distance
摘要: 针对低信噪比下磁异常信号相似性难以度量的问题,该文提出基于正交基函数(OBF)分解和编辑距离法(EDR)相结合的OBF-EDR磁异常信号相似性度量方法。该方法通过对磁异常信号进行正交基函数分解得到离散基函数系数,根据背景噪声与基函数不相关的特性提高离散基函数系数信噪比,利用编辑距离法对离散基函数系数进行相似性计算从而间接实现对磁异常信号的相似性度量。仿真测试表明OBF-EDR方法相较于EDR算法可在更低信噪比情况下对磁异常信号进行相似性度量。Abstract: Considering the problem that the similarity of magnetic anomaly signals is difficult to measure under low signal-to-noise ratio, a similarity measurement method OBF-EDR based on the combination of Orthogonal Basis Function (OBF) decomposition and Edit Distance on Real sequence (EDR) is proposed. This method obtains discrete basis function coefficients by decomposing the magnetic anomaly signals with orthogonal basis functions method. The signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of discrete basis function coefficients is improved due to the uncorrelated characteristics of background noise and basis functions. EDR is used to measure the discrete coefficients of the basis function so as to measure indirectly the similarity of the magnetic anomaly signals. The simulation test shows that the OBF-EDR method can measure the similarity of magnetic anomaly signals at a lower SNR than the EDR algorithm.
表 1 EDR算法伪代码
输入:两个实数序列A和B 输出:序列A与B的相似度 第1步:计算序列A,B的长度以及阈值e LA=LENGTH(A); LB=LENGTH(B); e=0.1× (max(A)–min(A)) 第2步:创建编辑距离矩阵E [LA+1, LB+1]并进行初始化 E [0,0]=0 for each row i from 1 to LA do E [i, 0] ← E [i–1, 0]+deleteCost(A [i], B [0]) for each column j from 1 to LB do E [0, j] ← E [0, j–1]+insertCost(A [0], B [j]) 第3步:循环执行 for each row i from 1 to LA do for each column j from 1 to LB do E [i, j] ← min(E [i–1, j]+deleteCost(A [i], B [j]), E [i, j–1]+insertCost(A [i], B [j]), E [i–1, j–1]+substituteCost(A [i], B [j])) end end 第4步:返回1–E [LA, LB]/max(LA, LB) 表 2 OBF-EDR计算磁异常信号相似度结果
计算对象 ${{S} }{ {\rm{\alpha} } _1}$ ${W_1}$ ${{S} }{ {\rm{\alpha} } _2}$ ${W_2}$ ${{S} }{ {\rm{\alpha} } _3}$ ${W_3}$ ${\rm{sLines}}$ ${B_x}$和${{\rm{Br}}_x}$ 1.000 0.700 0.768 0.145 0.816 0.155 0.938 ${B_y}$和${{\rm{Br}}_y}$ 1.000 0.718 0.794 0.138 0.829 0.143 0.946 ${B_z}$和${{\rm{Br}}_z}$ 0.961 0.782 0.724 0.086 0.754 0.132 0.913 表 3 EDR计算磁异常信号相似度结果
计算对象 ${B_x}$和${\rm{B}}{{\rm{r}}_x}$ ${B_y}$和${\rm{B}}{{\rm{r}}_y}$ ${B_z}$和${\rm{B}}{{\rm{r}}_z}$ 相似度 0.75 0.767 0.741 -
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