A Temporal Link Predict Algorithm Based on Fusion Local Structure Influence
摘要: 链路预测旨在发现复杂网络中的未知连接和未来可能的连接,在推荐系统等实际应用中具有重要作用。考虑到许多真实网络的时序特性,时序链路预测逐渐成为研究热点。当前,基于时间序列分析的方法往往忽略了网络演化过程对网络本身的影响,而基于静态网络演化的方法大多仅考虑了局部连边的演化影响,对网络拓扑结构的演化特性挖掘有限。针对上述问题,该文提出一种融合局部拓扑影响力的时序链路预测算法(TLP-FLSI)。首先,基于网络拓扑结构影响力作用,提出时序链路预测的通用模型(CTLPM);其次,研究拓扑实体间相互作用在动态网络上的演化规律,分别定义了节点和连边的演化因子,以及时间序列衰减的演化因子,综合利用多个维度的特征信息,给出了融合局部节点和连边特征影响力的时序链路预测算法;最后,在7个真实数据集上分别进行实验,对比传统基于移动平均方法、误差修正、邻居扩展加权和图注意力网络等时序链路预测方法,实验结果证明该算法具有较好的准确率和排序性能。Abstract: Link prediction aims to discover missing connected edges and possible future interaction in complex networks. The evolution mechanism of temporal networks has gained the attention of researchers with its ubiquitous applications in a variety of real-world scenarios. At present, many methods based on time series analysis are proposed, but the influence of the network evolution process on the network itself is ignored, and the methods based on the static network algorithm only consider the influence of the evolution of edges, which may lead to inadequate utilization of feature information and can not achieve better prediction accuracy. In view of the above problems, a novel Temporal Link Prediction algorithm base on Fusion Local Structure Influence (TLP-FLSI) is proposed, which fuses the impact of local nodes and edges. Firstly, based on the influence of network topology structure, Common Temporal Link Prediction Model(CTLPM)is proposed. Secondly, the evolution mechanism of the interaction between topological entities on the dynamic network is studied, and the evolution factors of nodes and edges, as well as the decay evolution factors of time series are defined respectively, and considering various factors, TLP-FLSI is derivated from CTLPM. Finally, compared with traditional temporal link predict method, including moving average methods, error correction methods, extended weighted method, graph attention methods, experimental results of seven real data sets show that TLP-FLSI achieves great improvement in accuracy and ranking score.
Key words:
- Temporal dynamic network /
- Link prediction /
- Fusion features /
- Similarity metrics /
- Influence decay
表 1 数据集参数表
Email Enron Facebook DNC MAN UCI LEM 节点数 1005 87273 63891 2029 167 1899 485 连边数 332334 1048576 855542 39264 82927 59835 196364 快照图数 76 66 52 33 39 28 51 时序周期 周 周 2周 天 周 周 半年 表 2 不同方法的平均AUC性能结果
模型 Email Enron Facebook DNC MAN UCI LEM Last 0.7535 0.6056 0.5158 0.7011 0.8415 0.5152 0.9021 AV 0.8793 0.7282 0.5350 0.8156 0.9064 0.5724 0.9620 TS-W 0.8993 0.7646 0.5422 0.8357 0.9099 0.6170 0.9682 TLP-I 0.9051 0.7480 0.5526 0.8407 0.8989 0.5864 0.9692 LPE 0.8202 0.7728 0.6507 0.8264 0.8901 0.6699 0.8623 Reduce 0.8954 0.7732 0.5522 0.8252 0.8925 0.6157 0.9630 TMDN 0.8447 0.8103 0.6745 0.8561 0.8939 0.6995 0.8631 DySAT 0.8603 0.7885 0.7515 0.8376 0.9020 0.7187 0.8352 TASM 0.8501 0.7945 0.7702 0.8462 0.8975 0.7230 0.8373 FLSI-I(1) 0.9101 0.8551 0.6860 0.9148 0.9199 0.7192 0.9637 FLSI-I(2) 0.9092 0.7753 0.6193 0.8907 0.9306 0.6137 0.9669 FLSI-II 0.9246 0.8803 0.6973 0.9347 0.9264 0.7574 0.9709 FLSI-III 0.9111 0.8551 0.6860 0.9152 0.9180 0.7220 0.9650 -
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