Visual Multi-Secrets Sharing Scheme Based on Random Grid
摘要: 为了提高视觉秘密共享(VSS)的恢复效果,该文提出一种基于随机网格的视觉多秘密共享方案。通过使用一种基于圆柱面的随机网格阈值多秘密图像共享方案,使得用户一次可以共享多个秘密图像;部分份额图像受到篡改仍然可以恢复秘密图像,具有较好的鲁棒性;同时份额的数量和最后恢复图像的视觉质量成正相关。仿真结果表明所提出的多秘密视觉共享方案在恢复像素正确率方面是原有的单秘密视觉共享方案2 倍多,即在增加了多个秘密图像的同时,提高了恢复的正确率。Abstract: In order to improve the restoration effect of Visual Secret Sharing (VSS), a visual multi-secret sharing scheme based on random grid is proposed. By using a multi secret image sharing scheme based on random mesh threshold of cylindrical surface, users can share multiple secret images at one time. This scheme has good robustness, so even part of the share images are tampered, the secret image can still be recovered. At the same time, the number of shares has a positive correlation with the visual quality of the final recovered image. Simulation results show that the proposed multi secret vision sharing scheme is two times better than original single secret vision sharing scheme in terms of pixel recovery accuracy, that is, it increases the number of secret images and improves the recovery accuracy.
Key words:
- Visual Secret Sharing (VSS) /
- Random Grid (RG) /
- Threshold /
- Quality-adaptive
图 1 文献[16]的VSS方案
图 3 当2个份额时,对文献[15]的仿真结果
图 4 当3个份额时,对文献[15]的仿真结果
图 5 对文献[19]的仿真结果
表 1 扩展为2的VC方案
秘密图像像素 白 色 黑 色 份额A 份额B 叠加的结果 表 2
$ (k,n) $ 方案对比秘密图像 文献[19]方案恢复的正确率 本文的方案恢复的正确率 $ (3,3) $ $ (5,5) $ $ (3,3) $ $ (3,5) $ 堆叠任意3个份额 堆叠任意4个份额 堆叠5个份额 第1组 0.43 0.33 0.41 0.45 0.46 0.47 第2组 0.37 0.24 0.34 0.40 0.38 0.37 第3组 0.33 0.19 0.29 0.39 0.38 0.37 -
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