Single Image Dehazing via Saliency Weighted Multi-exposure Fusion
摘要: 传统暗原色理论的相关算法,在处理雾天图像时会产生颜色的畸变和亮度的损失,针对该情况,该文提出基于权重多曝光融合的单幅雾天图像复原算法。首先通过雾天图像的直方图分析,获取全局大气背景光值的区域。其次构造一种新的Kirsh算子的高阶差分滤波方法,优化透射率图像。最后设计一种基于显著性权重的多曝光图像融合方法,提高处理后图像的视觉效果。该文采用自然图像和合成图像进行实验,与多种算法通过主观和客观评价,表明该文算法比现有的算法有更高的复原效果。Abstract: Previous techniques are not sufficient enough to deal with dehazing problems by using various hand-crafted priors and appear image hue and brightness distortion. In this paper, a saliency weighted multi-exposure fusion is proposed for single image dehazing. To produce several images with different exposures, a novel segmentation method is exploited to capture the range of global atmospheric light approximately, and a new Kirsh high-order difference filtering method is employed to optimize the transmission map. A saliency weighted multi-exposure fusion method is constructed to improve the dehazing quality. Extensive experimental results on both subjective and objective evaluation demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against the state-of-the-art algorithms.
表 1 自然图像中不同方法的客观评价分析
工地 寺庙 稻田 原野 I/E 27.16/0.24 24.02/0.12 34.55/0.01 28.74/-0.12 文献[10] 26.16/0.17 20.34/0.07 31.64/0.03 26.85/-0.14 文献[16] 22.71/0.13 17.98/0.11 29.60/0.03 25.44/0.06 文献[28] 23.99/0.13 18.99/0.09 26.02/0.11 26.01/0.02 文献[29] 21.46/0.14 18.46/0.11 27.00/0.33 27.32/0.01 文献[30] 25.96/0.18 18.43/0.11 26.10/0.06 24.87/0.09 文献[31] 26.23/0.16 18.29/0.11 35.14/0.05 32.56/-0.01 本文 21.51/0.24 17.31/0.16 28.93/0.27 25.13/0.25 表 2 合成图像中不同方法的客观评价分析
校园 小区 马路 宫殿 P/R –/– –/– –/– –/– 文献[10] 14.93/0.62 15.30/0.51 12.18/0.46 16.36/0.53 文献[16] 20.79/0.68 16.49/0.53 13.99/0.55 16.58/0.55 文献[28] 15.64/0.61 13.66/0.52 14.49/0.53 18.93/0.55 文献[29] 22.70/0.67 19.82/0.58 13.67/0.53 19.32/0.56 文献[30] 23.44/0.69 16.63/0.53 19.31/0.54 18.84/0.54 文献[31] 19.49/0.55 13.31/0.47 11.57/0.41 14.59/0.47 our 24.04/0.74 22.16/0.64 23.53/0.61 23.02/0.57 -
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