Simulation Research on a Compact High Power Microwave Source Based on Gyromagnetic Nonlinear Transmission Lines
摘要: 与传统基于电真空器件的窄谱高功率微波源相比,基于旋磁非线性传输线(GNLTL)的宽谱强电磁脉冲源无须驱动电子束、导引磁场和真空条件,具有能量效率高、工作频率可调以及可重频运行等优势,是一种结构简单、适合小型化和固态化的技术方案。该文通过理论分析其产生射频振荡和脉冲陡化的工作机制,并利用商业软件建立一套可视化的2-D GNLTL仿真模型进行验证。通过仿真分别研究不同注入电压和不同轴向偏置磁场下的旋磁输出脉冲的时域和频域特性。模拟结果表明:随着注入电压增大,经调制的振荡电压峰值升高,而调制深度则是先增加后减小到几乎不变,输出电压上升沿减小后趋于稳定,而中心频率则随着注入电压增大而增加;随着偏置磁场增加,输出振荡峰值电压和调制深度均是先增大后减小,输出电压上升沿先减小后增大,而中心频率先减小后增大。Abstract: Compared with the traditional high power microwave sources based on the electronic vacuum tube, the wide-band high power microwave sources based on the Gyromagnetic NonLinear Transmission Line (GNLTL) does not need the electron beam, the confining magnetic field and the vacuum system. It is a simple, compact and solid-state scheme. It has the advantages of adjustable frequency and repetitive operation. It can not only improve the energy utilization rate, but also break through the limitation of single operation of electromagnetic pulse projectile. In this paper, the RF pulse formation dynamics and sharpening characteristics of the gyromagnetic nonlinear transmission line are analyzed in theory. The visible two-dimensional model is composed for numerical analysis of the modulated pulse waveforms in time domain and frequency domain under a varied incident voltage or a varied axial biasing magnetic field. The simulation results show that when the incident voltage increases, the modulated peak voltage grows, the modulated depth rises and then declines to some constant value, the rise time of the modulated pulse reduces and then ceases, and the central frequency augments. When the axial biasing magnetic field increases, the modulated peak voltage and the modulated depth both rises and then declines, the rise time of the modulated pulse and the central frequency both reduces and then increases.
表 1 同轴GNLTL射频源的研究现状
表 2 不同电压下对应的角向磁场强度
编号 1 2 3 4 5 Uin(kV) 6.80 13.00 23.50 31.00 38.00 Hϕ(kA/m) 9.69 18.52 33.48 44.17 54.14 -
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