Modeling and Simulation of HF Aeronautical Mobile Channel Based on Watterson Model
摘要: 信道建模与仿真是短波航空通信系统性能分析评估的基础,该文通过分析研究飞行器最大移动速度、加速度、机动频率、运动轨迹等机动状态参数对短波航空移动信道时变多普勒频移的影响,提出一种基于Watterson模型的短波航空移动信道模型。该模型能够充分描述由收发两端相对运动引入的信道多普勒频移与扩展,适用于短波超视距航空移动通信信道。仿真结果表明,该模型能够实现对不同种类不同机动状态飞行器短波移动通信信道的差异化仿真,还能在已知航线航迹时,实现对特定场景下的定制化信道仿真。
- 短波通信 /
- 航空移动信道 /
- Watterson模型 /
- 信道仿真
Abstract: Channel modeling and simulation is the basis of performance analysis and evaluation of High frequency (HF) aviation communication system. A HF aviation mobile channel model based on Watterson model is proposed by analyzing the influence of maneuvering state parameters such as maximum moving speed, acceleration, maneuvering frequency and trajectory on the time-varying Doppler frequency shift. The model can fully describe the Doppler frequency shift and spread caused by the relative movement of the transmitter and receiver, and is suitable for HF over-the-horizon aeronautical mobile communication channel. The simulation results show that the model can realize the differential simulation of HF mobile communication channels for different types of aircraft with different maneuvering states, and can realize the customized channel simulation in specific scenarios when the route path is known.-
Key words:
- HF communication /
- Aeronautical channel /
- Watterson model /
- Channel simulation
表 1 3种典型场景下参数参考值
机动频率等级 典型应用场景 机动频率参考值(Hz) 飞行状态持续时间(s) 低 民用航空 0.01 ≥200 中 私人飞机等 0.1 10~20 高 无人载具等 1 ≤1 表 2 飞行器的飞行航线轨迹确定时运动参数
时间(s) 运动方式 初速度(m/s) 加速度(m/s2) 0~5 匀加速直线 0 50 5~10 匀速圆周(R=1000 m) 250 大小V2/R 方向时变 10~15 匀速直线 250 0 -
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