Orthogonal Multiuser Short Reference High Rate Differential Chaos Shift Keying Communication System
摘要: 针对传统多用户短参考混沌移位键控通信系统传输速率和能量效率低的问题,该文提出了一种正交多用户高速短参考差分混沌移位键控(OMU-SRHR-DCSK)通信系统。系统将参考信号长度缩短为每个数据信号长度的1/P,通过增加两路连续的信息时隙来传输多个用户信息比特,通过希尔伯特变换在每个信息时隙多传输N个用户信息比特,极大地提高了系统的数据传输速率。将希尔伯特变换和Walsh码相结合完全消除了用户间干扰,改善了误码率性能。推导了OMU-SRHR-DCSK系统在加性高斯白噪声(AWGN)信道和多径瑞利衰落信道(RFC)中的比特误码率(BER)公式并进行了实验验证。在两种信道下的仿真值和理论推导值均相等,验证了理论推导的正确性。该系统的传输速率相对于传统多用户短参考系统的传输速率有极大提升,传输比特数相同的条件下系统的误码性能明显优于传统多用户短参考系统,证明了该系统具有优异的实用价值,并为其应用于实际中提供了良好的理论支撑。Abstract: An Orthogonal MultiUser Short Reference High Rate DCSK (OMU-SRHR-DCSK) communication system is proposed to solve the problem of low transmission rate and low energy efficiency of traditional MultiUser Short Reference Differential Chaos Shift Keying communication system. The system shortens reference signal length to 1/P of data signal, transmits multiple users’ information bits by adding two continuous information time slots, and transmits additionally N user’ information bit in each information time slot through Hilbert transform, which greatly improves the data transmission rate of the system. The interference between users is completely eliminated mainly by combining Hilbert transform with Walsh code, thus improving the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance. The theoretical BER formula of OMU-SRHR-DCSK system over Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and L-path Rayleigh Fading Channel (RFC) are derived and verified by experiments. The experimental simulation and theoretical derivation are consistent in the two channels, which proves the correctness of theoretical derivation. Compared with the traditional multiuser short reference system, the transmission rate of the system is greatly improved, and the BER performance of the system is obviously superior over that of the traditional multiuser short reference system under the condition of the same number of transmission bit. It is proved that the system has excellent practical value and provides a good theoretical support for its application in practice.
Key words:
- Chaos communication /
- Multiuser /
- Hilbert transform /
- Walsh code /
- Transmission rate
系统 传输速率(R) 能量效率(EE) OMU-SRHR-DCSK $ 4N/(R + 2\beta ) $ $ 4N\beta /(R + 4N\beta ) $ SRMR-DCSK $ N/(R + \beta ) $ $ N\beta /(R + N\beta ) $ HMU-DCSK $ N/\beta $ $ 2N/(1 + 2N) $ FDM-HEDCSK $ 2/\beta $ $ 1/2 $ -
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