Recommendation Model Based on Public Neighbor Sorting and Sampling of Knowledge Graph
摘要: 知识图谱作为辅助信息可以有效缓解传统推荐模型的冷启动问题。但在提取结构化信息时,现有模型都忽略了图谱中实体之间的邻居关系。针对这一问题,该文提出一种基于共同邻居排序采样的知识图谱卷积网络(KGCN-PN)推荐模型,该模型首先基于共同邻居数目对知识图谱中的每个实体邻域进行排序采样;其次利用图卷积神经网络沿着图谱中的关系路径将实体自身信息与接收域信息逐层融合;最后将用户特征向量与融合得到的实体特征向量送入预测函数中预测用户与实体项目交互的概率。实验结果表明该模型在数据稀疏场景下相较其他基线模型性能均获得了相应提升。Abstract: The knowledge graph as auxiliary information can effectively alleviate the cold start problem of traditional recommendation models. But when extracting structured information, the existing models ignore the neighbor relationship between entities in the graph. To solve this problem, a recommendation model based on KnowledgeGraph Convolutional Networke-Public Neighbor (KFCN-PN) sorting sampling is proposed. The model first sorts and samples each entity’s neighborhood in the knowledge graph based on the number of public neighbors; Secondly, it uses graph convolutional neural networks to integrate the entity’s own information and the receiving domain information along the graph’s relationship path layer by layer; Finally, the user feature vector and the entity feature vector obtained by the fusion are sent to the prediction function to predict the probability of the user interacting with the entity item. The experimental results show that the performance of this model is improved compared with other baseline models in data sparse scenarios.
表 1 基于共同邻居(PN)排序的实体采样算法(算法1)
输入:中心实体的直接邻居集合$ N\left(e\right) $ 输出:中心实体的单层接收域$ S\left(e\right) $ (1) Function Public-Neighbors-Sampling($ e $) (2) if $ l\left(e\right)< K $ (3) $ S\left(e\right)\leftarrow $ choose $ K $ entities from $ N\left(e\right) $ (4) else (5) for $i={0,1},\cdots ,l\left(e\right)-1$ do (6) $ L\left(e\right) $.append($ N\left(e\right)\left[i\right]\left[0\right] $) (7) $ T\left(e\right)\leftarrow {U}_{i \in L\left(e\right)}L\left(i\right)\cap L\left(e\right) $ (8) $ P\left(e\right)\leftarrow $do Merge Sort on $ T\left(e\right) $ (9) for $ e\in P\left(e\right)\left[l\left(e\right)-K:l\left(e\right)\right] $ do (10) $ I\left(e\right) $.append(the indices of $ e $ in $ T\left(e\right) $) (11) Remove duplicate index in $ I\left(e\right) $ (12) for $ i\in I\left(e\right) $ do (13) $ S\left(e\right) $.append($ N\left(e\right)\left[i\right]\left[0\right] $) (14) return $ S\left(e\right) $ 表 2 图卷积算法(算法2)
输入:交互矩阵$ {\boldsymbol Y} $;知识图谱$ G\left({\cal E},{\cal R}\right) $;接收域矩阵$ {\boldsymbol{S}} $; 训练参数:$ {\left\{u\right\}}_{u\in {\cal U}},{\left\{e\right\}}_{e\in {\cal E}},{\left\{r\right\}}_{r\in {\cal R}},{\left\{{W}_{i},{b}_{i}\right\}}_{i=1}^{L} $; 输出:预测函数$ {\overset{\frown} y}_{uv}={\cal{F}}(u,v|\theta ,{\boldsymbol{Y}},G)$ (1) while model does not converge do (2) for $ \left(u,v\right) $ in Y do (3) $ {\cal M}\left[0\right]\leftarrow v $ (4) for $ l={1,2},\cdots ,L $ do (5) $ {\cal M}\left[l\right]\leftarrow {\cal M}\left[l-1\right] $ (6) for $ e\in {\cal M}\left[l-1\right] $ do (7) $ {\cal M}\left[l\right]\leftarrow {\cal }{\cal }{\cal M}\left[l\right]\cup $Public-Neighbors-Sampling($ e $) (8) return $ {\left\{{\cal M}\left[i\right]\right\}}_{i=0}^{L} $ (9) $ {e}^{u}\left[0\right]\leftarrow e,\forall e\in {\cal M}\left[0\right] $ (10) for $l={1,2},\cdots ,L$ do (11) for $ e\in {\cal M}\left[l\right] $ do (12) ${e}_{S\left(e\right)}^{u}\left[l-1\right]\leftarrow \sum _{ {e}^{'}\in S\left(e\right)} {\tilde {f} }_{u}\left({r}_{v,{e}^{'} }\right){ {e}^{'{u} } }\left[l-1\right]$ (13) $ {e}^{u}\left[l\right]\leftarrow {\rm{agg}}\left({e}_{S\left(e\right)}^{u}\left[l-1\right],{e}^{u}\left[l-1\right]\right) $ (14) $ {v}^{u}\leftarrow {e}^{u}\left[L\right] $ (15) Calculate the probability of interaction: $ {\widehat{y}}_{uv} $ (16) Update $ \left(\theta ,W,b\right) $ in the direction of gradient descent (17) return ${\cal F}$ 表 3 实验数据集统计情况
MovieLens-20M Last.FM 用户数 138159 1872 项目数 16954 3846 交互次数 13501622 42346 实体数 102569 9366 关系种类 32 60 3元组数 499474 15518 表 4 不同模型在点击率预测场景下的AUC值
模型 Movie Music SVD 0.963 0.769 PER 0.832 0.633 CKE 0.924 0.744 Ripple-Net 0.960 0.770 KGCN-PN 0.979 0.804 表 5 KGCN-PN在不同接收域层数下的AUC值
K 1 2 3 4 MovieLens-20M 0.976 0.977 0.969 0.501 Last.FM 0.803 0.787 0.527 0.512 表 6 KGCN-PN在不同采样大小下的AUC值
K 2 4 8 16 32 64 MovieLens-20M 0.977 0.977 0.976 0.976 0.973 0.970 Last.FM 0.792 0.799 0.791 0.804 0.802 0.702 -
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