An Event-driven Cooperative Transmission Scheme for Dynamic Clustering Networks
摘要: 针对事件驱动的无线传感器网络的传输可靠性问题,该文利用节点间的互助,提出一种基于事件驱动的动态分簇网络的协作传输方法。无事件发生时,各节点按预先形成的静态簇低频传输数据。而一旦有事件发生,能感知事件发生的节点快速组成事件簇,向簇头发送采集的数据,簇头融合数据后发往汇聚节点。为提升传输可靠性,当簇头传输失败时,由最佳中继协作转发数据给汇聚节点。在最佳中继的选择上,考虑到事件的连续移动,以及处于事件前向通道上的节点具有较大的感应值和较好的协作能力等条件,该文提出了基于前向通道的最佳中继选择策略。仿真和实验结果表明,所提协作传输方法能够有效提高传输可靠性。Abstract: In order to enhance the transmission reliability of event-driven wireless sensor networks, a cooperative transmission scheme for event-driven dynamic clustering network is proposed by utilizing collaboration between nodes. When no event occurs, each node transmits data to its cluster head at a very low frequency in pre-formed static cluster. Once an event occurs, the nodes that perceive the occurrence quickly form an event cluster and send data to the cluster head. The cluster head fuses the data and reports it to the sink node. The cluster head fuses the data and sends it to the sink node. If the cluster head fails to transmit, the best relay cooperates with it for forwarding data to improve the transmission reliability. In the best relay selection, considering the continuous movement of events, the nodes on the forward channel of events have strong induction intensity and good cooperation ability. Therefore, a best relay selection strategy based on the forward channel is developed. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed scheme can effectively improve the transmission reliability.
Key words:
- Clustering networks /
- Event-driven /
- Cooperative transmission /
- Dynamic event cluster /
- Reliability
表 1 测试结果
方法 成功接收到的数据包个数 数据包传输率PDR(%) 平均数据包传输率(%) 第1组 第2组 第3组 第1组 第2组 第3组 RETP方法 7871 7989 7885 78.71 79.89 78.85 79.15 EEAOC方法 6703 6966 7288 67.03 69.66 72.88 69.86 本文方法 9208 8851 9130 92.08 88.51 91.30 90.63 -
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