A Four Cumulant-Based Direction Finding Method for Bistatic MIMO Radar with Mutual Coupling
摘要: 发射和接收阵列的互耦效应将使得双基地多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达的角度估计算法性能下降。针对阵列互耦效应和高斯色噪声并存情况,该文提出一种基于4阶累积量组合矩阵构造的收发角度估计方法。该方法首先根据收发互耦矩阵的Kronecker乘积特点,并结合互耦矩阵带状、对称的Toeplitz变换性质,充分利用所有的接收数据,构造出多组发射和接收4阶累积量矩阵,通过组合收发累积量矩阵进一步构造出4阶块累积量矩阵,并利用矩阵的奇异值分解,提取出发射和接收旋转不变因子。理论和仿真结果表明:在强互耦效应情况下,所提算法能够有效估计出高斯色噪声背景下目标的收发角度,并实现自动配对。在强互耦情况下,所提算法的估计性能优于其他算法。Abstract: The mutual coupling effects of the transmitter and receiver are known to degrade the performance of direction finding for a bistatic Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar system. A four cumulant-combinatorial matrix-based algorithm is proposed to estimate jointly the Direction Of Departure (DOD)and Direction Of Arrival (DOA) of targets under the coexistences of unknown mutual coupling and Gaussian colored noise. Firstly, the multiple groups of four cumulant matrices both on transmitter and receiver are constructed by using the Kronecker product and the banded symmetric Toeplitz characteristics of the mutual coupling matrices. The block four-cumulant matrix is further constructed by combining the transmitter and receiver four cunmulant matrices. Then the new matrix is combined to extract the transmit and receive shift invariance matrices by using the transmitter and receiver four cumulant matrices. The results illustrate that: The proposed method can estimate the DOD and DOA of the targets efficiently in the presence of the strong mutual coupling effect, and parameters are paired automatically without extra pairing operation. The parameter estimation performance of the proposed method is better than those of the existing methods under the strong mutual coupling effect conditions.
图 2 强互耦情况本文算法与文献[8]的目标定位结果
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