Study on Coexistence of Multipe Attractors in Memristor-based Switching Chaotic Circuits
摘要: 为了研究忆阻开关电路的动力学行为,该文提出一种具有多吸引子共存现象的忆阻开关混沌电路。在该电路中存在多吸引子分岔,当系统中发生边界碰撞之后,系统中将产生不同的吸引子共存现象。其中包括单周期极限环与混沌吸引子共存,不同的混沌吸引子共存,对称的2周期极限环共存现象,以及对称的2周期极限环与5周期极限环共存现象等。该文通过相图、分岔图等数值仿真,分析了该电路的动力学行为,并利用PSIM电路仿真验证了其电路的可行性,对开关电路中多吸引子共存现象和混沌应用的研究具有重要意义。Abstract: In order to study the dynamic behavior of memristor switch circuit, a memristor-based switched chaotic circuit with multiple coexisting attractors is designed. There exists multiple attractor bifurcation in this circuit system. When boundary collisions occurs in the system, there are different attractors coexisting in the system. It includes the coexistence of the single periodic limit cycles with chaotic attractors, different chaotic attractors, symmetric 2-periodic limit cycles, and symmetric 2-periodic limit cycles with 5-periodic limit cycles. The dynamic behavior of the circuit system is analyzed by numerical simulation of phase diagram and bifurcation diagram. And the feasibility of the circuit is verified by PSIM circuit simulation, this paper is of great significance to the study of multiple attractor bifurcation in switching circuits and the application of chaos.
Key words:
- Memristor /
- Switching circuit /
- Multiple attractor bifurcation /
- Coexisting attractor
表 1 忆阻开关混沌电路的参数选取
参数 名称 取值 C1, C2 电容 10 nF L 电感 20 mH R 电阻 100 $\Omega $ RC 电阻 30 $\Omega $ Vref 参考电压 1 V Ra, Rb 电阻 1 k $\Omega $ Rd 电阻 30 $\Omega $ C0 电容 20 nF p 比例因子 –0.5 -
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