An Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Logistic Chaotic Mapping with Sinusoidal Feedback and Its FPGA Implementation
摘要: 基于混沌的数字图像加密算法因具有较大的密钥空间和较高的密钥敏感特性等而被广泛地应用。该文在经典Logistic映射中引入正弦反馈,构成新的映射关系,并分析该映射的混沌行为。利用混沌映射导出离散混沌加密序列,并对加密序列进行放大取整,增强其伪随机性;利用NIST随机性测试方法测试了加密序列的伪随机性;将伪随机序列与原始图像进行异或运算,实现图像加密。数值仿真结果表明所提加密算法具有较好的加密效果,其密钥也具有较好的敏感性和伪随机性,最后基于FPGA平台的硬件加密实现了本算法。
- 图像加密 /
- Logistic混沌映射 /
- 正弦反馈 /
- FPGA /
Abstract: Digital image encryption algorithm based on chaos is widely used because of its large key space and high key sensitivity. The sinusoidal feedback is introduced into the classical Logistic mapping to form a new discrete mapping, and the chaotic behavior of the mapping is analyzed. The chaotic mapping is used to derive the discrete chaotic encryption sequence, and the encryption sequence is enlarged and rounded to enhance its pseudo-randomness. The pseudo-randomness of encrypted sequences is tested by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) test method. The pseudo-random sequence is XOR (Exclusive OR) with the original image to realize image encryption. Numerical simulation results show that the new encryption algorithm has better encryption effect, and its key shows better sensitivity and pseudo-randomness. Finally, hardware encryption for this algorithm is realized based on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) platform. -
表 1 NIST标准伪随机测试结果
测试编号 测试名称 P_value 测试通过率(%) 1 频率(单比特)测试 0.964290 99 2 块内频数测试 0.181557 100 3 游程测试 0.401199 99 4 块内最大游程测试 0.779188 100 5 二元矩阵秩测试 0.004981 100 6 频谱测试 0.304126 100 7 非重叠字匹配测试 0.534146 97 8 重叠字匹配测试 0.213390 99 9 Maurer通用统计检测 0.178278 100 10 线性复杂度测试 0.262249 98 11 系列测试 0.058984 99 12 近似熵测试 0.178876 100 13 累积和测试 0.816537 98 14 随机游程测试 0.535328 所有数据为一个数据块,大小为30 MB,不计通过率 15 随机游程变量测试 0.532553 表 2 信息熵实验结果
明文 密文 7.6005 7.9987 表 3 图像的相邻像素相关性
图像 水平 垂直 对角线 Lena 明文 0.9765 0.9597 0.9420 密文 –0.0082 –0.0054 0.0020 -
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