A Novel Discontinuous Reception Mechanism for 5G in Unlicensed Band
摘要: 非连续接收(DRX)是5G非授权频段部署中重要的节能机制。为授权频段设计的非连续接收机制,不能良好适配非授权频段,唤醒窗口长度固定而不能随信道繁忙程度调整,为保证传输时延性能则需要消耗更多能量。该文针对5G非授权频段新无线技术(5G NR-U),提出一种新型非连续接收机制。在新机制中,非授权频段新空口设备处于唤醒状态时不断对信道进行能量检测来判断信道的忙闲状态,并据此自适应调整唤醒窗口时间。相比唤醒窗口长度固定的原有机制,数学模型分析和仿真实验的结果表明,在保证业务传输时延要求的前提下,新机制可比原有机制节约更多的能量。在文中典型场景中,新机制比原有机制可多节约能量11%。
- 非连续接收 /
- 能量效率 /
- 先听后说 /
- 5G非授权频段新无线技术
Abstract: Discontinuous Reception (DRX) is power-saving mechanism in 5G unlicensed band deployments. Legacy DRX scheme for licensed band does not work well in unlicensed band. Wakeup window size is fixed and can not adjust with channel busy level. Guaranteed transmission delay is at the cost of more power consumption. A novel DRX scheme of is proposed for the 5th Generation New Radio-Unlicensed (5G NR-U) standalone scenario. In the novel scheme, NR-U equipment runs energy detection continuously during its wakeup period to get channel state: busy or free and adjusts its wakeup window size adaptively according to energy detection results. Comparing to legacy method with wakeup window fixed, it is demonstrated by analysis and simulation that the novel method saves more power than traditional method while both of them meet the average delay requirement. In the analysis scenario of this paper, novel method saves 11% power more than legacy method. -
图 2 非授权频段信道忙闲模型[19]
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