A Circularly Polarized Wide-scan Waveguide Slot Phased Array Antenna with High Efficiency for Ka Band Application
摘要: 该文提出一种新型小尺寸、低剖面、“f”字型波导缝隙圆极化器,高度仅1/6波长,宽度约2/5波长。基于该圆极化器,设计了一种高效率、低剖面、圆极化脊波导缝隙线阵天线。为满足空间应用中对轻质、高效率、圆极化、±60°宽角扫描相控阵天线的需求,采用该线阵天线作为阵元设计、仿真并实现了16阵元Ka频段脊波导缝隙相控阵天线。仿真和实测结果表明,该相控阵天线可实现1维±60°宽角扫描。在扫描角范围内,相控阵天线的轴比小于4.1 dB,增益下降小于4.3 dB。在0°扫描角工作时,天线的实测增益为35.9 dBi,辐射效率接近85%。Abstract: A novel f-letter waveguide slot with small size and low-profile is presented in this paper. The height of the circular polarizer is only λ0/6, and the width is about 2λ0/5. Based on the new circular polarizer, a circularly polarized ridge-waveguide slot linear array antenna with lower-profile and high aperture efficiency is designed. Using the linear array as the antenna cell, a 16-cells Ka-band circularly polarized wide-scan ridge-waveguide slot phased-array antenna with high efficiency and lightweight is designed, simulated and fabricated to achieve ±60° wide-scan for the space application. The simulated and measured results show that the phased-array antenna can achieve one-dimensional wide-angle beam-scanning with ±60° scan range. Across the scan coverage, the axial ratio is less than 4.1 dB and the gain variation is less than 4.3 dB. The measured antenna gain is higher than 35.9 dBi in the 0° scan-angle, and the corresponding efficiency near 85% are obtained.
Key words:
- Phased-array antenna /
- Waveguide slot antenna /
- Ka band /
- Circularly polarized /
- Wide-scan
表 1 圆极化波导缝隙相控阵天线f0频点处的仿真与实测轴比值
扫描角度(°) –60 –45 –30 –15 0 15 30 45 60 仿真轴比(dB) 1.5 2.6 3.2 3.4 3.0 3.4 3.2 2.6 1.5 实测轴比(dB) 3.5 3.7 4.0 4.1 3.8 4.1 4.0 3.7 3.5 -
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