Wireless Transmission Technology of Satellite-terrestrial Integration for 6G Mobile Communication
摘要: 随着5G移动通信网络走向商业化,围绕新一代移动通信系统(6G)的发展愿景、能力需求与关键技术开展研究正在成为新的热点。首先,该文概括了未来6G可能涉及的星地深度融合、新谱段通信、分布式协作MIMO和智能通信等关键技术方向,重点探讨了基于星地深度融合的天地一体化网络(SGIN);然后,针对可能存在的两种典型网络拓扑架构,分析了星间高速链路、星地馈电链路和星地用户链路的特点和技术要求,综述了3种不同类型传输链路的高速通信进展情况。最后,对未来6G天地互联网络亟需突破的光学相控阵多用户接入、高效能星地激光通信和光电一体化组网等关键技术进行分析与展望,以期为后续相关研究指明方向。Abstract: With the commercialization of 5G mobile communication networks, researches on the development vision, capability requirements and key technologies of the new generation mobile communication systems (6G) are becoming new hotspots. Firstly, the key technical fields are summarized that may be involved in the future 6G communication, including the deep satellite-terrestrial integration, the new spectrum communication, the distributed cooperative MIMO and intelligent communication. The Space-Ground Integration Network (SGIN) based on the deep satellite-terrestrial integration is discussed further. Secondly, for the two possible network topologies, the characteristics and technical requirements of the interstellar high-speed link, the satellite-terrestrial feeder links and the user links are analyzed. The progress of high-speed communication applied to three different types of transmission links is summarized. In the end, the key technologies which are urgently needed to break through in the SGIN are analyzed and prospected, such as the multiple-access based on optical phased array, the high-efficiency satellite-terrestrial laser communication and the optoelectronic hybrid networking, and the directions are pointed out for the subsequent related researches.
表 1 国内外星间激光链路代表性研究成果
序号 任务名称 链路类型 国家/
地区发射时间 通信速率 链路状态 参考文献 1 EDRS/
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低轨-地美国 2017 100 Mbps@OOK
(立方星)运行 文献[18] 3 HICALI/
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@BPSK文献[20] 5 CLICK/
TBIRD低轨-低轨 欧洲美国 2020~2024 100 Mbps~1 Gbps
200 Gbps(WDM)
(立方星)计划 文献[21-28] 6 Scylight 高轨-高轨、
高轨-地欧洲 2025 100 Gbps 文献[29] -
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