Crowd Counting Method Based on Multi-Scale Enhanced Network
摘要: 人群计数研究普遍使用欧几里得损失函数,易造成图像局部相关性缺失,且现有研究方法未能充分提取人群图像中连续变化的尺度特征,影响了人群计数模型的性能。针对上述问题,该文提出一种基于多尺度增强网络的人群计数模型(MSEN)。首先,在多分支结构生成网络中引入区域性判别网络,将二者组合形成嵌入式GAN模块,以增强生成图像的局部相关性;之后,基于金字塔池化结构设计了尺度增强模块,将该模块连接在嵌入式GAN模块之后,进一步从不同区域提取不同尺度的局部特征,以最大程度地应对人群图像局部尺度连续变化的问题,从而增强整体模型的泛化能力。最后,在3个具有挑战性的人群计数公共数据集上进行了广泛的实验。实验结果表明,该文所述模型可有效提升人群计数问题的准确性和鲁棒性。Abstract: The performance of the crowd counting methods is degraded due to the commonly used Euclidean loss ignoring the local correlation of images and the limited ability of the model to cope with multi-scale information. A crowd counting method based on Multi-Scale Enhanced Network(MSEN) is proposed to address the above problems. Firstly, an embedded GAN module with a multi-branch generator and a regional discriminator is designed to initially generate crowd density maps and optimize their local correlation. Then, a well-designed scale enhancement module is connected after the embedded GAN module to extract further local features of different scales from different regions, which will strengthen the generalization ability of the model. Extensive experimental results on three challenging public datasets demonstrate that the performance of the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy and robustness of the prediction.
表 1 数据集基本信息对比
数据集 图像数量 分辨率 最小人数 最大人数 密度水平 ShanghaiTech
Part_A482 不等 33 3139 高 ShanghaiTech
Part_B716 768×1024 9 578 低 UCF_CC_50 50 不等 94 4543 极高 UCF-QNRF 1535 不等 49 12865 极高 表 2 ShanghaiTech数据集实验结果
表 3 UCF_CC_50数据集实验结果
表 4 UCF-QNRF数据集实验结果
表 5 不同结构的模型及其对应的实验结果
模型序号 结构概述 嵌入式 尺度增强子模块数量 跳跃连接 MAE (1) G – – – 67.5 (2) GAN – – – 65.6 (3) GAN*$ {\mathrm{G}\mathrm{A}\mathrm{N}}^{*} $(E×1) – 1 – 65.3 (4) GAN*$ {\mathrm{G}\mathrm{A}\mathrm{N}}^{*} $(E×1+S) – 1 √ 65.2 (5) GAN*$ {\mathrm{G}\mathrm{A}\mathrm{N}}^{*} $(E×2) – 2 – 66.5 (6) GAN*$ {\mathrm{G}\mathrm{A}\mathrm{N}}^{*} $(E×2+S) – 2 √ 66.4 (7) 嵌入式GAN+ E×1 √ 1 – 65.0 (8) 嵌入式GAN+ E×1+S √ 1 √ 64.7 (9) 嵌入式GAN+ E×2 √ 2 – 64.1 (10) 嵌入式GAN+ E×2+S (MSEN) √ 2 √ 63.5 -
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