Joint Transmitted Waveform and Mismatched Filter Design against Interrupted-sampling Repeater Jamming
摘要: 间歇采样转发干扰(ISRJ)是基于欠采样原理的新型雷达相干干扰技术,能够形成密集假目标干扰。该文针对抗间歇采样转发干扰问题,提出一种雷达发射波形和非匹配滤波联合设计的抗干扰方法。首先,以发射信号脉冲压缩积分旁瓣能量和干扰信号非匹配滤波输出积分能量为目标函数,综合考虑发射信号的幅度约束,建立了间歇采样转发干扰抑制的数学优化模型。然后,通过问题分解推导了雷达发射波形和非匹配滤波器的解析表达式,基于迭代算法设计了发射波形和非匹配滤波器。最后,通过仿真实验的方式验证了发射波形和非匹配滤波器的性能、抗间歇采样转发干扰性能以及所提方法的间歇采样转发干扰抑制能力。Abstract: Interrupted-Sampling Repeater Jamming (ISRJ) is an advanced radar coherent interference based on the principle of under-sampling method, and achieves a train of false targets. In this paper, a joint transmitted waveform and mismatched filter design method focus on suppressing the ISRJ is proposed. Firstly, the mathematical optimization model is established by minimizing the transmitted signal pulse compression integrated sidelobe level and jamming signal mismatched filter output integrated level under the constraint of constant modulus waveform. Secondly, the analytical solution of transmitted waveform and mismatched filter is obtained by simplifing the optimization problem. By utilizing cyclic iterative algorithm, unimodular waveform and mismatched filter are produced. Finally, simulations are presented to assess the waveform and filter performance and anti-ISRJ performance. Simulation results demonstrated that the ISRJ is suppressed by jointly designing the waveform and filter.
表 1 抑制ISRJ的恒模波形和非匹配滤波器设计流程
(1) 利用随机相位编码信号初始化${{x}}$, ${{y}}$和${{h}}$;利用随机序列初始
化${{\lambda}}$和$\mu ,\nu $;(2) 固定恒模波形${{x}}$和中间变量${{y}}$,利用式(10)计算非匹配滤波${{h}}$; (3) 固定非匹配滤波${{h}}$和中间变量${{y}}$,利用式(14)计算恒模波形${{x}}$; (4) 固定恒模波形${{x}}$和非匹配滤波${{h}}$,利用式(16)计算中间变量${{y}}$; (5) 更新利用式(13d)和式(13e)分别更新${{\lambda}}$和$\mu ,\nu $; (6) 重复步骤(3)—步骤(5),直到恒模波形${{x}}$和中间变量${{y}}$的残差满
足:${\left\| { {{x - y} } } \right\|^2} \le \delta$;(7) 重复步骤 (2)—步骤(6),直到达到最大迭代次数Itermax。 表 2 仿真参数表
参数 数值 发射信号时宽Tb (μs) 40 间歇采样信号时宽τ (μs) 2 间歇采样周期Ts (μs) 8 算法截止条件δ 1×10–6 最大迭代次数Itermax 100 脉冲压缩归一化峰值bmax (dB) 0 干扰归一化峰值bmin (dB) –30 -
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