Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Context Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
摘要: 像素间的上下文相关信息对图像分割算法的抗噪性和准确性具有重要意义,现有的模糊C均值(FCM)聚类算法对此缺乏充分考虑。该文基于对空间上下文的可靠性度量,提出一种模糊C均值聚类算法(RSFCM)应用于图像分割:通过对空间上下文有效建模来提高聚类算法的抗噪声干扰性能,并研究了一种新的可靠性模糊度量指标,使聚类算法能更好地平衡细节保留和去噪,从而获得更加准确的分割结果。实验选取人工合成图像、交通标志图像和遥感图像3类数据测试聚类算法性能,结果表明,RSFCM在图像分割过程中能有效地抑制椒盐噪声和高斯噪声引起的类内异构及类间同构问题,能提高图像的像素可分性,并有效地保留了图像的边缘细节。Abstract: The correlation information between pixels is of great significance for image segmentation. The existing Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering algorithm lacks sufficient consideration for it. Based on the reliability measure of spatial context, this paper proposes a Reliability-based Spatial context Fuzzy C-Means (RSFCM) clustering algorithm: The clustering algorithm anti-noise performance is improved by effectively modeling the spatial neighborhood; A new reliability fuzzy metric is proposed, which balances the relationship between detail retention and anti-noise, so that the clustering results are more accurate. A synthetic image, a traffic sign image and a remote sensing image are used to test the algorithms performance. The results show, compared with the existing FCM algorithm, RSFCM can effectively suppress heterogeneity of intra-class objects caused by Salt & Pepper noise and Gaussian noise for the image segmentation, improve pixels separability and preserve the edge details of the image greatly.
Key words:
- Image segmentation /
- Clustering /
- Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) /
- Spatial context
表 1 合成图像分割结果的PSNR比较(dB)
算法 FCM FCM_S1 FCM_S2 FLICM nr-IT2FCM FRFCM RSFCM PSNR 18.8293 25.8502 25.0842 24.6283 18.6673 24.2498 26.0099 表 2 不同噪声级别下合成图像分割结果的JS系数比较
算法 FCM FCM_S1 FCM_S2 FLICM nr-IT2FCM FRFCM RSFCM Gaussian 8% 74.517 96.436 35.773 96.820 74.011 83.179 97.015 Gaussian 10% 72.729 94.489 37.830 96.954 72.217 72.278 95.673 Gaussian 15% 68.671 90.356 38.300 89.435 68.427 70.465 91.817 Salt &Pepper 8% 95.599 98.627 49.780 97.333 95.599 58.044 99.237 Salt &Pepper 10% 94.519 97.882 96.478 96.289 94.519 85.925 98.743 Salt &Pepper 15% 92.609 96.619 49.689 94.763 92.609 74.500 97.882 表 3 交通标志图像分割结果的PSNR比较 (dB)
算法 FCM FCM_S1 FCM_S2 FLICM nr-IT2FCM FRFCM RSFCM PSNR 21.4062 27.7089 27.0842 24.6283 18.6752 24.2498 29.6100 表 4 遥感图像分割结果的OA(%)和Kappa系数比较
类别 算法 样本点 FCM FCM_S1 FCM_S2 FLICM nr-IT2FCM FRFCM RSFCM 水域 16029 95.63 96.56 96.45 92.76 91.15 94.78 97.61 草地 2216 96.79 97.29 97.83 97.96 98.28 58.39 97.79 林地 2449 62.07 72.02 68.31 62.18 43.98 34.46 67.95 裸地 1140 74.82 82.33 80.79 84.14 72.91 59.06 71.74 建筑工地 4333 69.91 72.79 72.63 70.92 72.79 84.35 84.47 OA 总体 87.44 89.78 89.32 86.35 83.52% 82.81 91.57 Kappa 总体 0.7884 0.8279 0.8201 0.7751 0.7263 0.7078 0.8562 -
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