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史久根 杨旭 刘雅丽 孙立

史久根, 杨旭, 刘雅丽, 孙立. 软件定义网络中快速和一致的流更新策略[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2021, 43(9): 2617-2623. doi: 10.11999/JEIT200231
引用本文: 史久根, 杨旭, 刘雅丽, 孙立. 软件定义网络中快速和一致的流更新策略[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2021, 43(9): 2617-2623. doi: 10.11999/JEIT200231
Jiugen SHI, Xu YANG, Yali LIU, Li SUN. Fast and Consistent Flow Update in Software Defined Network[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2021, 43(9): 2617-2623. doi: 10.11999/JEIT200231
Citation: Jiugen SHI, Xu YANG, Yali LIU, Li SUN. Fast and Consistent Flow Update in Software Defined Network[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2021, 43(9): 2617-2623. doi: 10.11999/JEIT200231


doi: 10.11999/JEIT200231
基金项目: 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项(2013YQ030595)






    杨旭 2018110930@mail.hfut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TP393

Fast and Consistent Flow Update in Software Defined Network

Funds: The National Major Scientific Instruments Development Project (2013YQ030595)
  • 摘要: 在软件定义网络中,为了实现各种网络性能优化目标,控制面需要频繁的对数据面进行更新。然而,由于数据面的异步性,不合理的更新将严重降低网络性能。针对此问题,该文提出一种快速和一致的流更新策略(FCFU)。该策略通过流分段减弱其原有的强依赖关系,使能并行更新,通过分析子流段与多个资源间的依赖关系得到总更新轮数较少的更新安排,最后基于延时队列完成一致性流更新。实验结果表明,与现有的流更新算法相比,该策略能够缩短流更新总时间达20.6%,同时保证了更新期间无拥塞和包乱序等问题的发生。
  • 图  1  流更新示例

    图  2  网络拓扑

    图  3  总更新时间

    图  4  乱序率

    图  5  计算时间

    表  1  流分割算法(算法1)

     (1) ${R_f} \leftarrow \emptyset ,d = \emptyset $, s=first(${P'_f}$)
     (2) while $d \ne $ last(${P'_f}$) do
     (3)  d =common(${P'_f}$, ${P_f}$,s)
     (4)  $p$$ \leftarrow $${P_f}[s,d]$,$p'$$ \leftarrow $${P'_f}[s,d]$
     (5)  if $p \ne p'$ then
     (6)    ${R_f} \leftarrow {R_f} \cup (p,p')$
     (7)  end if
     (8)  s=d
     (9) end while
     (10) return ${R_f}$
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    表  2  流更新规划算法(算法2)

     输入:$S$ //子流段集合
     输出:$U$ //更新规划
     (1) $U \leftarrow \varnothing$, $\bar S = S$, $j = 1$
     (2) sort $\bar S$ by ${b_f}$ of each $\forall s(f,i) \in \bar S$
     (3) while $\bar S \ne \varnothing $ do
     (4)  ${u_j} \leftarrow \varnothing $
     (5)  for each $s(f,i)$ in $\bar S$ do
     (6)   if $\forall (u,v) \in {p'_{f,i}}$, ${h}_{j}(u,v){+}{b}_{f}\le {C}_{u,v}$ and
          $\forall v \in {p'_{f,i}}[{\rm{1:}} - {\kern 1pt} {\rm{1}}]$, ${z}_{j}(v)+1 \le {L}_{v}$ then
     (7)    ${u_j} \leftarrow {u_j} \cup s(f,i)$
     (8)    $\forall (u,v) \in {p'_{f,i}}$,${h_j}(u,v) = {h_j}(u,v) + {b_f} $
     (9)    $\forall v \in {p'_{f,i}}[{\rm{1:}} - {\kern 1pt} {\rm{1}}]$, ${z_j}(v) = {z_j}(v) + 1$
     (10)   end if
     (11)  end for
     (12)  if ${u_j} = \varnothing $ and $\bar S \ne \varnothing $ then
     (13)   calculate ${\pi _{f,i}}$ for each $s(f,i)$ in $\bar S$
     (14)   ${u_j}$$ \leftarrow $ select the $s(f,i)$ with minimal ${\pi _{f,i}}$
     (15)  end if
     (16)  $U \leftarrow U \cup \{ {u_j}\} $, update $({u_j})$
     (17)  for each $s(f,i)$ in ${u_j}$ do
     (18)   $\forall (u,v) \in {p_{f,i}}$, ${h_j}(u,v) = {h_j}(u,v) - {b_f} $
     19:   $\forall v \in {p_{f,i}}[{\rm{1:}} - {\kern 1pt} {\rm{1}}]$, ${z_j}(v) = {z_j}(v) - 1$
     (20)  end for
     (21)  remove all elements of ${u_j}$ from $\bar S$
     (22)  $j = j + 1$
     (23) end while
     (24) return $U$
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    表  3  子流段更新算法(算法3)

     输入:$u$ //子流段集合
     (1) for each $s(f,i)$ in $u$ do
     (2)  ${d_o}$$ \leftarrow $ delay of old path
     (3)  ${d_n}$$ \leftarrow $ delay of new path
     (4)  add rules in reverse order
     (5)  if ${d_o}$>${d_n}$ then
     (6)   set delay queue
     (7)  end if
     (8)  modify rule
     (9)  if ${d_o}$>${d_n}$ then
     (10)   wait for $({d_o} - \,{d_n})$ ms
     (11)   unset delay queue
     (12)  end if
     (13)  wait for ${d_n}$ ms
     (14)  delete rules in forward order
     (15) end for
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    表  4  丢包率(%)

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    表  5  更新轮数

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