An Eyeglasses Removal Method for Fine-grained Face Recognition
摘要: 为解决眼镜遮挡会降低人脸识别性能的难点,借鉴深度卷积神经网络在超分辨率方面的成功应用,该文提出一种用于细粒度人脸识别的眼镜自动去除方法ERCNN。用卷积层、池化层、MFM特征选取模块和反卷积层设计ERCNN网络模型,自动学习戴眼镜和未戴眼镜人脸图像对之间的映射关系,实现端到端的眼镜去除。然后,收集大量监控场景下的人脸图像,以及互联网上公开的人脸图像作为训练集;同时构建SLLFW数据集,作为眼镜去除和人脸识别的测试集。最后,通过与传统的眼镜去除方法进行对比试验,该文算法的各项评价指标优于传统方法,能有效的去除真实人脸图像中眼镜;同时在SLLFW人脸数据集上形成的全框眼镜、半框眼镜和无框眼镜人脸数据集上对多种人脸识别算法进行对比试验。试验表明,在FAR为1%的情况下,利用该文方法对F-SLLFW, H-SLLFW和R-SLLFW数据集的人脸图像进行眼镜去除后,SphereFace算法的TAR分别达到90.05%, 91.14%和92.33%,比未去除眼镜的识别率分别提高了3.92%, 3.08%和1.26%;同样,在FAR为0.1%的情况下,比SphereFace算法的TAR分别提高了10.06%, 4.29%和2.13%,说明该文方法有助于提升细粒度人脸识别的识别精度。Abstract: In order to solve the problem that eyeglasses reduce often the performance of face recognition, based on the successful application of deep convolution neural network in super-resolution, This paper proposes an automatic eyeglasses removal method ERCNN (Eyeglasses Removal CNN) for fine-grained face recognition. Specifically, the ERCNN network which is designed based on the convolution layer, pool layer, MFM (Max Feature Map)feature selection module and deconvolution layer, are automatically learned the mapping relationship between facial images with eyeglasses and their counterparts without eyeglasses to realize end-to-end eyeglasses removal. Then, massive facial images are captured through surveillance equipment and collected from the Internet as the training set. And, SLLFW data set is established, which is used as the test set of eyeglasses removal and face recognition. The experiment show that the proposed method can better effectively remove the eyeglasses from the real facial image than the traditional eyeglasses removal methods, and the evaluation index of the method is better than other methods. In addition, several face recognition methods are tested separately on the facial images formed by SLLFW data set. Experiments show that when the FAR (False Accept Rate) is 1%, the TAR (True Accept Rate) of the Sphereface method reaches 90.05%, 91.14% and 92.33%, which is 3.92%, 3.08% and 1.26% higher than the Sphereface method is not used to remove the eyeglasses from the F-SLLFW, H-SLLF and R-SLLFW, respectively. Similarly, when the FAR 0.1%, the TAR of Sphereface method is increased by 10.06%, 3.08% and 1.26% respectively. Therefore, the proposed method can better improve the recognition accuracy of fine-grained face recognition.
表 1 不同方法以及不同类型的眼镜去除性能对比
人脸对齐 眼镜类型 方法 评价指标 PSNR (dB) SSIM MSE IFC 128×128 全框 ERCNN 34.7 0.98 22.03 7.0 PCA 24.2 0.85 247.22 6.1 半框 ERCNN 35.7 0.99 17.5 7.3 PCA 25.5 0.87 183.27 6.2 无框 ERCNN 35.7 0.99 17.5 7.5 PCA 26.0 0.88 163.34 6.3 平均值 ERCNN 35.3 0.98 19.01 7.2 PCA 25.2 0.86 197.94 6.2 112×96 全框 ERCNN 35.6 0.99 17.91 7.3 PCA 24.3 0.84 241.59 4.5 半框 ERCNN 36.3 0.99 15.24 7.6 PCA 25.0 0.85 205.63 4.5 无框 ERCNN 36.1 0.99 15.96 7.7 PCA 24.9 0.85 210.42 4.6 平均值 ERCNN 36.0 0.99 16.37 7.5 PCA 24.7 0.84 219.21 4.5 表 2 不同人脸识别的识别性能对比(%)
数据集 FAR TAR ① ② ③ ④ LFW 1 99.03 98.13 99.07 99.40 0.1 95.50 91.27 95.90 97.04 SLLFW 1 93.17 78.43 92.53 96.11 0.1 84.33 62.23 85.43 91.38 F-SLLFW 1 80.87 55.77 83.20 86.13 0.1 68.27 39.87 70.70 71.73 本文方法对F-SLLFW进行处理后 1 86.47 64.47 88.63 90.05 0.1 77.07 48.10 77.87 81.79 H-SLLFW 1 83.10 60.70 86.27 88.06 0.1 72.80 43.53 75.10 78.36 本文方法对H-SLLFW进行处理后 1 87.60 67.07 89.93 91.14 0.1 80.70 45.53 78.83 82.65 R-SLLFW 1 87.07 66.10 89.37 91.70 0.1 79.53 49.67 76.73 82.76 本文方法对R-SLLFW进行处理后 1 88.53 67.50 89.13 92.33 0.1 81.07 47.80 77.43 84.89 -
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