Research on the Aerial Target Detection by Ground-based Synthesis Aperture Microwave Radiometers
摘要: 针对空中目标的探测与跟踪的问题,该文探讨了地基综合孔径空中目标微波辐射无源探测理论及其技术的可行性。概述了地基综合孔径空中目标微波辐射无源探测原理;建立了空中目标探测概率方程,并从探测概率的角度详细分析了系统探测性能与相关影响因素的关系,同时分析了地基综合孔径空中目标微波辐射无源探测技术的可行性;并开展了地基综合孔径微波辐射计的空中目标无源探测技术的验证实验。理论和实验均表明地基综合孔径空中目标微波辐射无源探测技术是可行性的。Abstract: In view of the detection and tracking of aerial targets, the theory of the aerial targets detected by ground-based synthetic aperture microwave measurement technology and the feasibility are discussed. The detection principle of aerial targets by ground-based synthetic aperture microwave is outlined. The target detection probability is estimated, and the relationship between the systematic performance and related factors is analyzed in terms of the detection probability. Meanwhile, the feasibility of the aerial targets detected by ground-based synthetic aperture microwave measurement technology is analyzed. The experiments are performed that aerial targets are detected by a ground-based synthetic aperture microwave radiometer. Both theoretical and experimental results show that aerial targets are detected by a ground-based synthetic aperture microwave radiometer is feasibility.
Key words:
- Passive detection /
- Ground-based /
- Synthesis aperture /
- Microwave radiation /
- Aerial target
表 1 X波段综合孔径微波辐射计系统相关参量
指标 参量 中心频率 10.65 GHz 带宽 100 MHz 积分时间 20 ms 天线类型 Y形 天线个数 19 单元间距 0.95波长 -
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