Security Transmission Scheme for Two-way Untrusted Relay Networks Based on Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer
Abstract:The physical-layer security transmission scheme based on Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer (SWIPT) and artificial noise-aided is proposed to solve the energy-constrained and information security issues upon the two-way untrusted relay networks. The Power Splitting (PS) strategy is adopted by the untrusted relay to assist the confidential communication, where a full-duplex jammer is assigned to send the artificial noise while harvesting energy, to ensure the system security. The PS factor is optimized to maximize the secrecy performance, and then the closed-form expressions of the secrecy sum-rate and optimal PS ratio are derived in the high signal-to-noise ratio regime. Besides, the impacts of the channel estimation error on the system security are analyzed for the imperfect channel state information. Simulation results validate the correctness of the theoretical derivation and demonstrate that the proposed transmission scheme based on PS strategy and friendly jammer outperforms that based on the Time Switching (TS) strategy or destination-aided jamming.
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