A Fast Ambiguity Solution Method for Network RTK Reference Station
摘要: 针对由于存在大气因素的干扰,网络载波相位差分技术(RTK)参考站模糊度解算会受到影响,同时当新卫星升至预先设置的截止高度角以上时,需要较长的初始化收敛时间,该文提出一种网络RTK参考站模糊度快速解算方法。该方法先利用电离层加权策略,辅助基线模糊度的快速解算,再采用扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)技术估计浮点模糊度,利用部分模糊度解算方法,最后通过最小二乘模糊度降相关(LAMBDA)算法和比率(RATIO)检测对模糊度进行固定解算。实验结果表明,该方法可以显著提高网络RTK参考站模糊度的固定率和缩短初始化收敛时间。Abstract: Due to the interference of atmospheric factors, the ambiguity resolution of network Real Time kinematic (RTK) reference stations is affected, and when new satellites rise above the preset cutoff height, a longer initialization convergence time is required. A fast ambiguity solution method for Network RTK reference stations is proposed. Firstly, the ionosphere weighting strategy is used to assist the fast resolution of baseline ambiguity. Then, Extended Kalman Filter(EKF)is used to estimate ambiguity floating solution; The partial ambiguity solution method is adopted. Finally, the ambiguities are fixed in combination with Least squares AMBiguity Decorrelation Adjustment(LAMBDA) and RATIO detection. Experiments results show that this method can significantly improve the ambiguity fixation rate of network RTK reference stations and shorten the initialization convergence time.
Key words:
- Network RTK /
- Ambiguity resolution /
- Partial ambiguity fixed /
- Ionosphere weighted method
表 1 不同解算方法的固定率和初始化时间对比
模糊度解算方法 模糊度固定率(%) 初始化时间(s) LAMBDA(全) 18.6 3680 FAR 82.3 270 PAR 92.6 20 M-PAR 97.6 20 表 2 不同解算方法的定位结果绝对误差(m)
模糊度解算方法 ΔE ΔN ΔU FAR(Float/fix) 0.375 0.224 0.544 PAR(Float/Fix) 0.162 0.112 0.205 M-PAR(Float/Fix) 0.045 0.068 0.104 FAR(Fix) 0.113 0.141 0.231 PAR(Fix) 0.013 0.012 0.063 M-PAR(Fix) 0.008 0.010 0.032 注:ΔE表示东向误差;ΔN表示北向误差;ΔU表示天向误差 -
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