5G Cyberspace Security Game
摘要: 随着移动通信技术的快速发展和第5代移动通信(5G)网络的商用,网络空间安全问题日益凸显。该文针对5G网络空间安全中对抗博弈问题进行探讨,从静态博弈、动态博弈、基于演化和图论的博弈等基础模型以及窃听与窃听对抗、干扰与干扰对抗等典型对抗种类方面,对当前国内外网络空间安全对抗博弈的研究进行分析和归纳,并进一步阐述5G网络空间安全对抗博弈研究中潜在的基础理论和对抗规律研究方向,分析5G环境下安全对抗博弈研究的必要性及面临的挑战,为5G网络空间安全攻防对抗研究提供新视角。Abstract: With the rapid development of mobile communication technologies and the commercial use of 5G, cybersecurity issues are increasingly prominent. For revealing the essence of operation in 5G cybersecurity, current researches on cybersecurity confrontation and game are analyzed from the aspects of basic models including static game, dynamic game, evolutionary game, and graph-based game, as well as the typical confrontation issues including eavesdropping and anti-eavesdropping and jamming and anti-jamming. Furthermore, some potential research directions are also set forth in establishing 5G cybersecurity confrontation theory and general law. Finally, the necessity and challenges of security and game research in 5G networks are discussed, so as to provide new sights for the research of confrontation in 5G cyberspace.
Key words:
- 5G mobile communication /
- Cybersecurity /
- Confrontation /
- Game
表 1 典型的网络空间安全对抗博弈模型
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