On the Implementation of 5G LDPC Decoder
摘要: 该文介绍了5G标准中LDPC码的特点,比较分析了各种译码算法的性能,提出了译码器实现的总体架构:将译码器分为高速译码器和低信噪比译码器。高速译码器适用于码率高、吞吐率要求高的情形,为译码器的主体;低信噪比译码器主要针对低码率、低信噪比下的高性能译码,处理一些极限情形下的通信,对吞吐率要求不高。分别对高速译码器和低信噪比译码器进行了设计实践,给出了FPGA综合结果和吞吐率分析结果。Abstract: This paper focuses on the Low-Density-Parity-Check (LDPC) decoder for 5G New Radio (NR) specification. After introducing the characteristics of the LDPC code in 5G NR, the performance of different decoding algorithms are compared, and then the overall architecture of the decoder is proposed. In the proposed architecture, the decoder is divided into high-speed decoder and high-performance decoder. The high-speed decoder is intended for high-rate and high throughput decoding, while the high-performance decoder is used for low-rate decoding under low Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) scenarios, which is for communications under extremely bad situations, and does not need a high throughput. The design is implemented on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and the results are shown.
Key words:
- 5G Mobile Communications /
- LDPC /
- Decoder /
- Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
表 1 准循换子码块长度取值
集指数 (${i_{\rm LS} }$) 子码块大小集合 ($Z$) 0 {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256} 1 {3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384} 2 {5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320} 3 {7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 224} 4 {9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288} 5 {11, 22, 44, 88, 176, 352} 6 {13, 26, 52, 104, 208} 7 {15, 30, 60, 120, 240} 表 2 译码算法
初始化$\forall i,j$,${L^0}\left( {{q_i}} \right) = 2{y_i}/{\sigma ^2}$,${L^0}\left( {{r_{ji}}} \right) = 0$; For 迭代次数$l$ For 每一个校验节点$j$ ${\rm{idx}}$= 与校验节点$j$相连的所有变量节点坐标; ${L_{{\rm{in}}}} = {L^{l - 1}}\left( {{q_{{\rm{idx}}}}} \right) - {L^{l - 1}}\left( {{r_{j,{\rm{idx}}}}} \right)$;//去掉自身产生的外信息 ${L_{ {\rm{out} } } } = A\lg \,{\rm orithm}\,\left( { {L_{ {\rm{in} } } }} \right)$;//变量节点对校验节点的更新 ${L^l}\left( {{q_{{\rm{idx}}}}} \right) = {L_{{\rm{in}}}} + {L_{{\rm{out}}}}$;//变量节点更新 ${L^l}\left( {{r_{j,{\rm{idx}}}}} \right) = {L_{{\rm{out}}}}$;//外信息更新 End $\forall i$, ${d_i} = {L^l}\left( { {q_i} } \right) > 0$; If $Hd = = 0$ Break; end end 表 3 变量节点对校验节点更新方式
序号 算法名称 更新方式 1 log-bp(BP) $L_{{\rm{out}}}^{{\rm{log - bp}}}\left( {{r_{ji}}} \right) = 2{\tanh ^{ - 1}}\left( {\prod\limits_{{i'} \in {V_j}\backslash i} {\tanh \left( {{L_{{\rm{in}}}}\left( {{q_{{i'}j}}} \right)/2} \right)} } \right)$ 2 MSA $L_{{\rm{out}}}^{{\rm{MSA}}}\left( {{r_{ji}}} \right) = \prod\limits_{{i'} \in {V_j}\backslash i} {{\rm{sgn}} \left( {{L_{{\rm{in}}}}\left( {{q_{{i'}j}}} \right)} \right)} \bullet \mathop {\min }\limits_{{i'} \in {V_j}\backslash i} \left( {\left| {{L_{{\rm{in}}}}\left( {{q_{{i'}j}}} \right)} \right|} \right)$ 3 Offset MSA(OMSA) $L_{{\rm{out}}}^{{\rm{Offset}}}\left( {{r_{ji}}} \right) = \prod\limits_{{i'} \in {V_j}\backslash i} {{\rm{sgn}} \left( {{L_{{\rm{in}}}}\left( {{q_{{i'}j}}} \right)} \right)} \bullet \max \left( {\mathop {\min }\limits_{{i'} \in {V_j}\backslash i} \left( {\left| {{L_{{\rm{in}}}}\left( {{q_{{i'}j}}} \right)} \right|} \right) - \beta ,0} \right)$ 4 Normalized MSA(NMSA) $L_{{\rm{out}}}^{{\rm{Norm}}}\left( {{r_{ji}}} \right) = \alpha \prod\limits_{{i'} \in {V_j}\backslash i} {{\rm{sgn}} \left( {{L_{{\rm{in}}}}\left( {{q_{{i'}j}}} \right)} \right)} \bullet \mathop {\min }\limits_{{i'} \in {V_j}\backslash i} \left( {\left| {{L_{{\rm{in}}}}\left( {{q_{{i'}j}}} \right)} \right|} \right)$ 表 4 通道实现复杂度
序号 算法 组合逻辑 寄存器 存储器(bit) 1 log-bp 447 85 768 2 MSA, Offset MSA, Normalized MSA 222 58 0 表 5 译码器的FPGA实现结果
序号 模块 组合逻辑 寄存器 存储器(bit) 最大时钟频率(MHz) 资源占用比例(%) 1 高速译码加速器(含存储器) 124457 50515 393216 112.74 74 2 log-bp译码加速器 10901 1937 18432 97.59 5 表 6 译码器吞吐率(Mbps)
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