A Robust Heterogeneous Clutter Suppression Method for Airborne Planar Array Radar
Abstract:Due to lack of enough Independent Identically Distributed (IID) training samples, it seriously degrades the clutter suppression performance of the traditional Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) algorithms in heterogeneous clutter and target rich environment. To solve the problem, a heterogeneous clutter suppression method for the airborne plane array radar is proposed, which is robust to the array error. Firstly, the clutter representation basis matrix is constructed by the radar system parameters priori knowledge. Next, with the consideration of array error, it estimates iteratively the clutter representation coefficient and array error by the least square criterion. Finally, the clutter cancellation is conducted by the obtained optimal clutter representation coefficient and array error in element-pulse domain. The proposed method does not need to estimate the statistical properties of cell under test and has no aperture loss. In addition, it does not need any training sample and can suppress effectively the heterogeneous clutter of airborne planar array radar echo data in rich target environment even if range ambiguity exists. Simulation results verify the validity of the proposed method.
Key words:
- Airborne planar array radar /
- Rich target /
- Heterogeneous clutter /
- Clutter suppression
表 1 雷达系统参数
参数 值 俯仰阵元数 4 方位阵元数 8 阵元间距 0.05 m 脉冲数 24 脉冲重复频率 6000 Hz 工作波长 0.1 m 接收机带宽 2 MHz 飞机高度 4000 m 飞行速度 150 m/s 表 2 注入信号参数
信号 距离单元 多普勒通道 信噪比(dB) ICP1/MT1 76/75 8 60/13 ICP2/MT2 80/79 8 60/13 ICP3/MT3 108/107 6 70/9 ICP4/MT4 114/113 6 70/9 ICP5/MT5 147/146 4 50/6 ICP6/MT6 155/154 4 50/6 表 3 雷达系统仿真参数
参数 值 俯仰向阵元数 2 方位向阵元数 11 脉冲数 128 飞行高度 3105.3 m 飞行速度 126.4 m/s 脉冲重复频率 1984 Hz 工作波长 0.2419 m -
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