Time Domain Analysis Method for the Coupling Problem of Transmission Lines Terminated with Complex Circuits
Abstract:An efficient time domain hybrid method is presented consisting of Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method, Transmission Line (TL) equations, and Ngspice software to be well applied to the coupling analysis of transmission lines terminated with complex circuits excited by space electromagnetic fields. The significant features of this presented method are that it can realize the co-calculation of electromagnetic field radiation and transient responses on the lines and complex circuits, and avoid modeling the structures of transmission lines and circuits directly. Firstly, the complex circuits are replaced by the characteristic impedances of corresponding transmission lines, and then the FDTD method combined with TL equations is adopted to solve the incident currents on these impedances. Secondly, the incident currents are introduced into the complex circuits as excitation sources at each time step of FDTD simulation, which are combined with the circuits to form the netlist files. Finally, transient responses on the elements of circuits are obtained by using the Ngspice software. Numerical simulations are utilized to verify the correctness and efficiency of this hybrid method by comparing with the electromagnetic software CST in simulation results and consumptions of memories and computation time.
表 1 两种方法计算所需内存和时间的对比
方法 内存(MB) 计算时间(s) CST 125.8 480 时域混合算法 25.5 400 -
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