Machine Learning Based Primary User Transmit Mode Classification for Spectrum Sensing in Cellular Cognitive Radio Network
Abstract:In recent years, Machine Learning (ML) based spectrum sensing technology has provided a new solution in spectrum status identification for cognitive radio systems. Based on the large amount of spectrum observations captured by the Secondary User Equipment (SUE) in the Cellular Cognitive Radio Network (CCRN), this paper proposes a spectrum sensing scheme based on the Primary User (PU) transmission mode classification. Firstly, based on a variety of typical ML classification algorithms, the proposed scheme classifies the transmission mode of multiple Primary User Transmitters (PUTs) in the CCRN, and determines the joint operating state of all the PUTs in the CCRN. Subsequently, the SUE evaluates the possibility of accessing the licensed spectrum in the currently determined PUT transmission mode according to its geographical location or spectrum observation data. Since the actual locations of the PUTs in the network may be readily known in advance or unaware of at all, the proposed scheme solves the problem in three different methods. Theoretical derivation and experimental results show that compared with the traditional energy detection scheme, the proposed scheme not only remarkably improves the spectrum sensing performance, but also significantly increases the opportunities of dynamic accessing to the licensed spectrum for the SUEs. The proposed scheme can be used as an efficient and practical spectrum sensing solution in the CCRN.
算法1 基于能量值模板差值的PUT模式分类 输入:${{{Y}}_m},\widehat {{Y}},G,$阈值$\varphi $ 输出:${\hat {{S}}^{(m)} }$ 初始化 (1) ${{{y}}_{m,1} } = {\rm{vec} }({{{Y}}_m})$%矩阵转化为列向量 (2) ${{{y}}_{m,2} } = {\rm{sort} }({{{y}}_{m,1} },{\rm{descending} })$%降序排列 (3) ${\rm{ = \{ }}{Z_{{x_1},{y_1}}},{Z_{{x_2},{y_2}}}, \cdots ,{Z_{{x_Q},{y_Q}}}\} $ (4) 获取行位置索引向量 ${{x}}{\rm{ = \{ } }{x_1}{\rm{,} }{x_2}{\rm{,} } ··· {\rm{,} }{x_Q}{\rm{\} } }$及 (5) 列位置索引向量 ${{y}}{\rm{ = \{ } }{y_1}{\rm{,} }{y_2}{\rm{,} } ··· {\rm{,} }{y_Q}{\rm{\} } }$ (6) IF$({Z_{ {x_1},{y_1} } } < \varphi )\& ({Z_{ {x_2},{y_2} } } < \varphi )\& ··· \& ({Z_{ {x_G},{y_G} } } < \varphi )$ (7) ${\hat {{S}}^{(m)} } = {\mathbb{S}_0}$ (8) Else (9) For $i = 1:1:G$ (10) For $j = i + 1:1:G$ (11) If $(\left| {{x_i} - {x_j}} \right| < g)\& (\left| {{y_i} - {y_j}} \right| < g)$ (12) ${Z_{{x_j},{y_j}}} = 0$ (13) EndIF (14) EndFor (15) EndFor (16) EndIF (17) For $i = 1:1:G$ (18) ${{{h}}_{\rm{1} } }(i) = {\rm{find} }({x_i}\left| { {Z_{ {x_i},{y_i} } } \ne 0} \right.)$ (19) ${{{h}}_{\rm{2} } }(i) = {\rm{find} }({y_i}\left| { {Z_{ {x_i},{y_i} } } \ne 0} \right.)$ (20) EndFor (21) ${\varDelta _l} = \displaystyle\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{\left| { {h_1} } \right|} {|{ {{Y} }_m}({ {{h} }_1}(i),{ {{h} }_2}(i)) - { {{Y} }_l}({ {{h} }_1}(i),{ {{h} }_2}(i))|}$ (22) ${l_{ {\rm{opt} } } } = \mathop {\arg \min }\limits_{l = 1,2, \cdots ,{2^N} - 1} {\varDelta _l}$ 输出:${\hat {{S}}^{(m)} } = {\mathbb{S}_{ {l_{ {\rm{opt} } } } } }$ 注:${\rm{|} }{{{h}}_1}{\rm{|} }$为集合${{{h}}_1}$的势,即其所包含的所有元素的个数。 表 1 CNN分类算法采用的结构参数
层类型 输入尺寸 滤波器尺寸 激活函数 卷积层(1) 120×120 3×3×32 ReLu 卷积层(2) 60×60 3×3×64 ReLu 全连接层 14400×1 1024个神经元 Softmax 表 2 PUT传输功率为32 dBm时,PUT传输模式分类准确率
算法名称 数据充分性条件 11.1% 47.4% 100% 能量值模板差值 0.12 0.26 0.28 K-means 0.42 0.43 0.44 HOG+SVM_8*8 0.12 0.16 0.17 HOG+SVM_16*16 0.12 0.12 0.18 CNN 0.62 0.96 0.99 -
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