Provable Security Certificateless Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Ad hoc Network
Abstract:The design of authentication protocol is a hot topic in the field of the security of Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET). There are security problems caused by key escrow in the existing authentication schemes. In order to solve this problem and achieve secure and efficient verification, an efficient pairing-free certificateless authentication scheme with batch verification is proposed, in which the key of the vehicle is generated by the vehicle itself and a key generation center, which solves the problem that the key needs to be managed to the third party for maintenance. The bilinear pairing operation, one of the most complex operations in modern cryptography, is not used in the generation of vehicle’s signatures to reduce the computation cost of message verification. Unforgebility of the schemes against adaptively chosen-message and identity attack is proved under the difficulty of computing the discrete logarithm problem in the random oracle model to guarantee resistancy against modification and impersonation attacks, and has the characteristics of anonymity and traceability. Compared to the existing schemes, the proposed scheme is more efficient.
Key words:
- Authentication /
- Certificateless /
- Batch verification /
- Provable security /
- Anonymity
表 1 批认证过程中无效消息查找算法(二分查找算法)
输入:List={IDi, Mi, Wi, σi, Ti} 输出:InvalidList={ID1, ID2, ···, IDm} (1) Function (2) batch And Search(List, InvalidList, Index, low, high) (3) /*Function batchAuth(List, low, high)表示对消息数组下
标Index属于[low, high]的消息进行式(2)所述批认证,成功
则返回true,失败则返回false*/(4) if (batchAuth(List, Index Low, high)) then (5) return true (6) else if (low==high) (7) Invalid List.append(List[low]) (8) return Invalid List (9) else (10) mid=(low+high)/2 (11) batch And Search(List, InvalidList, Index, low, mid) (12) batch And Search(List, InvalidList, Index, mid+1,
high)(13) end if (14) return InvalidList (15) end if (16) end Function (17) for i:=1 to n do (18) batch And Search(List, InvalidList, i, 1, n)19: end for 表 2 不同方案的计算开销(ms)
方案 签名生成 认证1条消息 认证n条消息 文献[15] 5Tmul-G1+1Tpa-G1+1Tmtp=12.9581 Tmul-G1+3Texp+Tmtp=18.7480 nTmul-G1+3Texp+nTmtp=5.1120n+12.6117 文献[17] 4Tmul-G1+1Tpa-G1+2Tmtp+1Th=15.6552 2Tpar+2Tmul-G1+1Tpa-G1+1Tmtp
=7.8312n+8.422文献[12] 5Texp+3Th= 0.0253 Texp+2Tpar+3Th=8.4273 (n+1)Tpar+nTexp+3nTh=4.2163n+4.2110 本文 4Tmul-G+2Tpa-G+3Th=1.7666 4Tmul-G+3Tpa-G+3Th=1.7737 (2 n+2)Tmul-G+3nTh+(2n+1)Tpa-G=
0.8879n+0.8858 -
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