Research on Ka-band Solid-state Power Amplifier Module Packages Using a Lid of Nails
摘要: 为了抑制一定频带内的平行板和腔体谐振模式,提高功率放大器工作的稳定性。该文提出了一种人工磁导体(AMC)边界作为腔体封装的Ka波段固态功率放大模块。人工磁导体边界通过周期性金属销钉构成的电磁带隙(EBG)抑制结构实现。对Ka波段固态功率模块进行了设计、加工、装配和测试。由仿真和测试得到的S参数数据,详细地评估讨论了该封装的性能。通过对比其他封装结构,功率模块的无源测试结果证明金属销钉封装可以有效抑制腔体谐振,提高功放模块隔离度。功率模块的有源功率测试则表明金属销钉封装不会影响放大器输出功率。Abstract: In order to dampen the parallel plate modes and cavity modes within the frequency range of interest, and improve the stability of power amplifiers, a Ka-band solid-state power amplifier module, which is packaged with an Artificial Magnetic Conductors (AMC) boundary is presented in this paper. The AMC boundary is realized with Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) which is constructed by a period of metal nails in this paper. A Ka-band solid-state power amplifier module is designed, fabricated, assembled and measured. Performances of the packages are evaluated and discussed in detail on the basis of a series of S-parameter simulations and measurements. By compare with other packaging conditions, an improved module isolation and a suppressed cavity resonance are observed from passive measured results. Active measured results indicate that the package does not interfere with output power of the amplifier.
表 1 封装腔体本征模谐振频率仿真结果(GHz)
包含销钉阵列 不含销钉阵列 25.1 31.8 25.5 42.3 26.7 52.8 27.5 54.6 49.8 56.4 52.5 57.7 -
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