Research on Mesh Generation Optimization of Finite Element Model of Human Body Based on Energy Error
摘要: 网格剖分是有限元建模分析过程中最重要,也是工作量最大的环节,直接影响有限元分析的精度和时间。该文在研究网格自适应剖分及有限元离散误差的基础上,在高压输电场环境中建立不同复杂度的3维人体模型。通过对人体模型自适应网格剖分和手动网格剖分电场仿真结果的对比,分析能量误差变化的趋势,从而指导人体模型的建立及最佳剖分尺寸的设置。该文的研究成果,对其它有限元剖分方案的优化研究具有一定参考意义。Abstract: Meshing is the most important part of the finite element modeling and analysis process, and it also has the largest workload, which directly affects the accuracy and time of the finite element analysis. Based on the research of adaptive meshing and finite element discrete errors, three-dimensional human body models of different complexity are established in the environment of high-voltage power transmission fields. By comparing the results of the electric field simulation between the adaptive meshing of the human body model and the manual meshing, the trend of energy error changes is analyzed, so as to guide the establishment of the human body model and the setting of the optimal mesh size.The research results have certain reference significance to the optimization research of other finite element splitting schemes.
表 1 人体模型尺寸(m)
人体模型I 人体模型II 人体模型III 脚 身体 脖子 头 脚 身体 手臂 脖子 头 半径 0.28 0.19 0.24 0.10 0.17 0.05 0.12 0.03 0.04 0.20 高度 1.71 0.70 0.65 0.08 无 0.80 0.70 0.75 0.08 无 表 2 不同人体模型的方差和自适应网格剖分能量误差
人体模型类型 人体模型I 人体模型II 人体模型III 能量误差(%) 21.0735 22.4244 26.8348 方差(m2) 0 0.036 0.050 表 3 网格尺寸0.2 m和0.5 m的模型网格数变化
人体模型I 人体模型II 人体模型III 全局网格数 网格尺寸0.2 m 281086 282154 285858 网格尺寸0.5 m 277204 280179 283806 网格数差 全局网格数差 3882 1975 2052 人体网格数 网格尺寸0.2 m 2646 2769 4987 网格尺寸0.5 m 566 1579 3615 网格数差 人体网格数差 2080 1190 1372 -
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