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于存谦 张黎 何荣希 李靖宇

于存谦, 张黎, 何荣希, 李靖宇. 弹性光网络中时延感知的降级恢复路由与频谱分配算法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2020, 42(10): 2420-2428. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190759
引用本文: 于存谦, 张黎, 何荣希, 李靖宇. 弹性光网络中时延感知的降级恢复路由与频谱分配算法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2020, 42(10): 2420-2428. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190759
Cunqian YU, Li ZHANG, Rongxi HE, Jingyu LI. Delay-aware Degradation-recovery Routing and Spectrum Allocation Algorithm in Elastic Optical Networks[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, 42(10): 2420-2428. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190759
Citation: Cunqian YU, Li ZHANG, Rongxi HE, Jingyu LI. Delay-aware Degradation-recovery Routing and Spectrum Allocation Algorithm in Elastic Optical Networks[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, 42(10): 2420-2428. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190759


doi: 10.11999/JEIT190759
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61371091, 61801074),中国博士后科学面上基金(2019M661074),辽宁省自然科学基金(2019-BS-021),中央高校基本科研业务费(3132020205, 3132019221)






    何荣希 hrx@dlmu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN929.11

Delay-aware Degradation-recovery Routing and Spectrum Allocation Algorithm in Elastic Optical Networks

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61371091, 61801074), Chian General Fundation for Postdoctoral Science (2019M661074), The Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province (2019-BS-021), The Fundamental Research Funds for The Central Universities (3132020205, 3132019221)
  • 摘要: 移动云计算、人工智能(AI)、5G等新兴技术应用促使弹性光网络(EON)在骨干传输网中发挥更重要的角色,降级服务(DS)技术为降低EON的业务阻塞率、提高频谱利用率提供了新途径。该文首先对现有DS算法的资源分配不公、忽略低等级业务的体验质量(QoE)等问题,建立了以最小化降级频次、降级等级与传输时延损失(TDL)为联合优化目标的混合整数线性规划(MILP)模型,并提出一种时延感知的降级恢复路由与频谱分配(DDR-RSA)算法。为提高降级业务的QoE和运营商收益,在算法的最优DS窗口选择阶段中融入降级恢复策略,在保障传输数据量不变的前提下,将降级业务向空闲频域复原,从而提高频谱效率、减小降级业务TDL和最大化网络收益。最后,通过仿真证明了所提算法在业务阻塞率、网络收益和降级业务成功率等方面的优势。
  • 图  1  降级恢复举例

    图  2  4种算法的数据量阻塞率

    图  3  3种算法的降级服务成功率

    图  4  3种算法的平均延迟时间

    图  5  4种算法的网络收益

    图  6  3种算法的降级等级占比

    表  1  RSA问题符号定义

    $\overline \omega $正整数,$\psi $中的业务优先级上界;
    $f_{u,v}^r$二值变量,若$r$经过光纤链路$e(u,v) \in E$,则$f_{u,v}^r = 1$;否则$f_{u,v}^r = 0$;
    ${\rho _{i,j}}$二值变量,若${r_i}$和${r_j}$经过同一段光纤链路,且${w_i}$比${w_j}$小,则${\rho _{i,j}} = 1$;否则${\rho _{i,j}} = 0$;
    $\xi _{s,u}^r$二值变量,若$r$的源节点为$u \in N$,则$\xi _{s,u}^r = 1$;否则,$\xi _{s,u}^1 = 0$;
    $\xi _{d,v}^r$二值变量,若$r$的目的节点为$v \in N$,则$\xi _{d,v}^r = 1$;否则,$\xi _{d,v}^r = 0$;
    ${\delta _r}$二值变量,若$r$降级,则${\delta _r} = 1$;否则,${\delta _r}{\rm{ = 0}}$;
    ${\chi _r}$正整数,r释放的频谱槽数;
    ${\beta _r}$正整数,r恢复的频谱槽数;
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    表  2  启发式算法部分的变量

    $u_{t,c}^{l,k}$二值变量,若${p_k}$中第$l$条链路的第$c$位频谱槽的第t时隙被占用,则$u_{t,c}^{l,k} = 1$;否则$u_{t,c}^{l,k} = 0$;
    $u_{t,c}^p$二值变量,若${p_k}$的第$c$位频谱槽的第$t$时隙被占用,则$u_{t,c}^p = 1$;否则,$u_{t,c}^p = 0$;
    $B_{b,e}^{k,h}$${p_k}$的空闲频谱窗口,其频谱槽首、末序号为be,时长为h,含频谱槽数为$n_{b,e}^{k,h} = e - b + 1$;
    $\tau _{b,e}^{k,h}$正整数,$B_{b,e}^{k,h}$为满足$r$的带宽尚需的频谱槽数;
    ${\chi _{r'}}$正实数,降级业务$r'$释放的频谱槽数;
    $\tau _{b,e}^{{\rm{left}},l}$,$\tau _{b,e}^{{\rm{right}},l}$正整数,$B_{b,e}^{k,h}$的每条链路上$[b - \tau _{b,e}^{k,h},b)$或$(e,e + \tau _{b,e}^{k,h}]$内最少可释放的频谱槽数,$l \in {p_k}$;
    $\tau _{b,e}^{{\rm{left}}}$,$\tau _{b,e}^{{\rm{right}}}$正整数,$B_{b,e}^{k,h}$所在路径上$[b - \tau _{b,e}^{k,h},b)$或$(e,e + \tau _{b,e}^{k,h}]$内可释放的频谱槽数;
    $\theta _{r'}^{{\chi _{r'}}}$正实数,$r'$释放的数据量;
    $\left[ {s,d} \right]$$r'$占用的频谱,有$d - s + 1 = {b_{r'}}$;
    $\theta _t^{r'}$正实数,$r'$在第t时隙可恢复的数据量;
    $\theta _{r'}'$正实数,$r'$可恢复数据量之和;
    $[b - \tau _{b,e}^{k,h},b),$$(e,e + \tau _{b,e}^{k,h}]$$B_{b,e}^{k,h}$的左/右两侧的降级备选区间;
    $[s - {\chi _{r'}},d - {\chi _{r'}}],$$[s + {\chi _{r'}},d + {\chi _{r'}}]$$r'$左/右两侧分别可恢复的频域;
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    表  3  DR策略伪码

     输入:$\psi $, ${{G}}\left( {N,E,C} \right)$.
     输出:$t_{r'}^{{\rm{end}}'}$ and ${\chi _{r'}}$.
     (1) if ${o_{r'}} < {o_r}$ then
     (2)  $t_{r'}^{{\rm{end}}'} \leftarrow t_{r'}^{{\rm{end}}}$, ${\chi _{r'}} \leftarrow 0$; calculate ${\chi _{r'}}$, $\theta _{r'}^{{\chi _{r'}}}$ in
         $[b - \tau _{b,e}^{k,h},b) \cup (e,e + \tau _{b,e}^{k,h}]$;
     (3)  ${\left[ {{{S}}_k^p} \right]_{{\rm{T}} \times \left| {\rm{C}} \right|}} \leftarrow {\left[ {{{U}}_k^l} \right]_{{\rm{T}} \times \left| {\rm{C}} \right|}}$ in
         $\left[ {s + {\chi _{r'}},d + {\chi _{r'}}} \right] \cup \left[ {s - {\chi _{r'}},d - {\chi _{r'}}} \right]$;
     (4)  while $t \ge t_r^a$ and $t \le {\overline \alpha _{r'} }$ do
     (5)   for $u_{t,c}^{{p_{r'}}} = 0$ do $\theta _t^{r'} \leftarrow $ Eq.24, $c + + $; end for
     (6)   if $u_{t,c}^{{p_{r'}}} = 1$ then
     (7)    if $c \ge c'$ in $u_{t - 1,c'}^{{p_{r'}}} = 1$ then calculate
           $\theta _{r'}' \leftarrow $Eq.25, t++;
     (8)    else then
     (9)     $\theta _{r'}' \leftarrow $ Eqs. 24-25($\left( {c,d - {\chi _{r'}}} \right]$ or
            $\left[ {s + {\chi _{r'}},c} \right)$), t++;
     (10)    end if
     (11)   end if
     (12)   if $\theta _{r'}' \ge \theta _{r'}^{ {\chi _{r'} } }$ then return $t_{r'}^{{\rm{end}}'}$ and ${\chi _{r'}}$; end if
     (13)  end while
     (14)  if $\theta _{r'}' < \theta _{r'}^{{\chi _{r'}}}$ then set${\chi _{r'}} = {\chi _{r'}} - 1$; jump to
         Line 1; end if
     (15)  if ${\chi _{r'}} = = 0$ then return 0; end if
     (16) end if
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