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张洋 刘仁章 林东岱

张洋, 刘仁章, 林东岱. 理想格上格基的快速三角化算法研究[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2020, 42(1): 98-104. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190725
引用本文: 张洋, 刘仁章, 林东岱. 理想格上格基的快速三角化算法研究[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2020, 42(1): 98-104. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190725
Yang ZHANG, Renzhang LIU, Dongdai LIN. Fast Triangularization of Ideal Latttice Basis[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, 42(1): 98-104. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190725
Citation: Yang ZHANG, Renzhang LIU, Dongdai LIN. Fast Triangularization of Ideal Latttice Basis[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, 42(1): 98-104. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190725


doi: 10.11999/JEIT190725





    张洋 zhangyang9091@iie.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: TP309.7; O157.4

Fast Triangularization of Ideal Latttice Basis

  • 摘要:


  • 表  1  本原格向量序列

     输入:$ {\mathbb{Z}}\left[ {{x}} \right]$中$ f\left( x \right)$和$ g\left( x \right)$,次数分别为$ n$和$ m$,且$ n>m$;
        (1) 利用扩展欧几里得算法计算$ {\mathbb{Q}}[x]$上$ {r_i}^{'}\left( x \right)$, $ {s_i}^{'}\left( x \right)$,      $ {t_i}^{'}\left( x \right)$,使得$ {r_i}^{'}\left( x \right) = {r_{i - 2}}^{'}\left( x \right) + {q_i}^{'}\left( x \right){r_{i - 1}}^{'}\left( x \right)$      和${r_i}^{'}\left( x \right) = {s_i}^{'}\left( x \right)f\left( x \right) + $$ {t_i}^{'}\left( x \right)g\left( x \right)$成立,这里      $ i = 1,2, ··· ,l$;
        (2) 计算每一个$ {t_i}^{'}\left( x \right)$系数分母的最小公倍数$ {C_i}$,       $ i = 1,2, ··· ,l$;
        (3) 令$ {r_i}\left( x \right) = {r_i}^{'}\left( x \right) \cdot {C_i}$为余式序列中第$ i$个余式,      $ i = 1,2, ··· ,l$;
     输出:$ {r_1}\left( x \right)$, $ {r_2}\left( x \right)$, ···, $ {r_l}\left( x \right)$
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    表  2  理想格上格基的三角化

     输入:本原格向量序列,$ {r_0}\left( x \right)$, $ {r_1}\left( x \right)$, ···, $ {r_l}\left( x \right)$(向量形式为$ {{{r}}_{\bf 0}}$,
        $ {{{r}}_{\bf 1}}$, ···, $ {{{r}}_{ l}}$)
        (1) 令$ {{T}} \leftarrow {0^{n \times n}}$
        (2) 如果$ k \in {I_l},{{ T}_k}\left( x \right) = {r_l}\left( x \right){x^{n - k}},i \leftarrow l - 1$
        (3) 如果$ k \in {I_i}$,
        (a) 计算$ \phi $和ψ使得
          $ \phi {\rm{lc}}\left( {{r_i}} \right) + \psi {\rm{lc}}\left( {{{{T}}_{n - {n_{i + 1}}}}} \right) = {\rm{gcd}}\left( {\rm{lc}}\left( {{{{T}}_{n - {n_{i + 1}}}}} \right),\right.$
          $\left.{\rm{lc}}\left( {{r_i}} \right) \right) $
        (b) 令$ {{{T}}_{n - {n_i}}}\left( {{x}} \right) = \phi {r_i}\left( x \right) + \psi {{{T}}_{n - {n_{i + 1}}}}\left( x \right){x^{{\delta _i}}}$
        (c) 如果$ {\rm{lc}}\left( {{{{T}}_{n - {n_i}}}} \right) = 1$,则令
          $ {{{T}}_j}\left( x \right) = {{{T}}_{n - {n_i}}}\left( x \right){x^{n - {n_i} - j}}$,
          $ j = 1,2, ··· ,n - {n_i}$,并结束循环
        (d) 否则$ {{{T}}_k}\left( x \right) = {{{T}}_{n - {n_i}}}\left( x \right){x^{n - {n_i} - k}}$, $ i \leftarrow i - 1$
        (e) 如果$ i>0$,到(3)开始循环,否则结束循环
     输出:$ {{T}}$
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-09-19
  • 修回日期:  2019-11-15
  • 网络出版日期:  2020-01-01
  • 刊出日期:  2020-01-21


