Fast-flux Botnet Detection Method Based on Spatiotemporal Feature of Network Traffic
Abstract:Botnets have become one of the main threats to cyberspace security. Although they can be detected by techniques such as reverse engineering, botnets using covert technologies such as fast-flux can successfully bypass existing security detection and continue to survive. The existing fast-flux botnet detection methods are mainly divided into active and passive, the former will cause a large network load, and the latter has the problem of cumbersome feature value extraction. In order to effectively detect fast-flux botnets and alleviate the problems in traditional detection methods, a fast-flux botnet detection method based on spatiotemporal features of network traffic is proposed, combined with convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural network models, the fast-flux botnet is detected from both spatial and temporal dimensions. Experiments performed on the CTU-13 and ISOT public data sets show that compared with other methods, the accuracy rate of the proposed method is 98.3%, the recall rate is 96.7%, and the accuracy is 97.5%.
Key words:
- Botnet /
- Fast-flux /
- Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) /
- Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
表 1 实验硬件环境参数表
硬件 具体参数 服务器 戴尔PowerEdge R730XD 内存 4个金士顿16 GB 处理器 2个英特尔E5-2630 硬盘 东芝2 TB 表 2 实验软件环境参数表
软件 版本 操作系统 Cenos7 编译器 IntelliJ Idea GCC 5.2.1 TensorFlow 1.1.1 表 3 数据集组成表
数据类型 CTU-13 ISOT数据集 自收集 良性DNS流量 5133 0 2874 Fast-FluxDNS流量 4229 4003 0 -
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