Adjacent Channel Interference Suppression Based on Deconvolution of Interference Signal’s Out-of-band Component
摘要: 邻道干扰(ACI)抑制中需要获取干扰信号非线性特征进行信号重建与抵消,因此接收机需使用高速率宽带模数转换器(ADC)采集干扰信号,这将大幅增加接收机成本。针对上述问题,该文提出一种采用干扰信号带外分量卷积反演的邻道干扰抑制方法,利用接收的干扰信号带外非线性分量,计算并消除相邻帧之间的影响,由窄带部分卷积信号帧构造出线性卷积信号帧,然后用正则化最小二乘方法恢复原始非线性宽带干扰信号,从而降低ADC采样率。仿真验证结果表明当采样率仅为传统方案1/3,所提方法带来的残余干扰不高于底噪6 dB。Abstract: In Adjacent Channel Interference (ACI) suppression, in order to obtain the nonlinear characteristics of interference signal for reconstruction and cancellation, the receiver needs to use high-sampling-rate wideband Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) to sample interference signal, which will greatly increase the cost of the receiver. To solve the problem, a ACI suppression method based on deconvolution of interference signal’s out-of-band component is proposed in this paper. By using the known out-of-band nonlinear component, the influence between adjacent frames is calculated and eliminated, and then the narrow band linear convolution frame is constructed from the partial convolution frame. Finally, the original wide band signal is recovered by regularized least square method, thus reducing the ADC sampling rate. The simulation results show that when the sampling rate is only 1/3 of the traditional scheme, the residual interference brought by the proposed method is not higher than the noise floor of 6 dB.
表 1 仿真实验参数设置
项目指标 参数值 信号帧长 2.56 ms 信号带宽 25 kHz 滤波器阶数 60 采样频率 125 kHz 阻带频率1/通带频率1 20/30 kHz 通带频率2/阻带频率2 50/60 kHz 阻带衰减 50 dB 表 2 仿真系统参数设置
项目指标 参数值 信号带宽 25 kHz 信道带宽 50 kHz 发射功率 18 dBm 干扰信号SNR 70~110 dB 邻道干扰INR 40~80 dB -
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