An Anti-cheat Method of Game Based on Windows Kernel Events
摘要: 针对目前客户端反外挂方法的诸多局限,该文提出一种基于内核事件的网络游戏反外挂方法,并实现了反外挂系统CheatBlocker。该方法通过监控Windows系统中的内核事件监视和拦截进程间的异常访问及异常模块注入,同时从内核注入反外挂动态加载库(DLL)用以阻断鼠标键盘的模拟。实验结果表明,CheatBlocker可防御进程模块注入外挂和用户输入模拟类外挂,且具有较低的性能开销。而且,CheatBlocker无需修改内核数据或代码,相比于目前的反外挂系统具有更好的通用性与兼容性。Abstract: In view of many limitations of current client anti plug-in methods, an anti-cheat method based on kernel events is proposed, and the network game anti-cheat system called CheatBlocker is implemented. This method uses the kernel event monitoring provided by Windows to intercept the abnormal access between processes and the injection of abnormal modules. At the same time, the anti-cheat Dynamic Loaded Library (DLL) injected from the kernel can block the simulation of the mouse keyboard. The experimental results show that CheatBlocker can defend against process module injection cheating and user input simulation cheating, and has low performance overhead. Moreover, CheatBlocker does not need to modify the kernel data or code which ensures the integrity of the kernel and is more compatible than the current anti-cheat systems.
Key words:
- Game cheating /
- Anti-cheating /
- Module injection /
- Kernel event
表 1 反外挂DLL Hook函数
模拟类型 相关API API 描述 WindowSimulation SendMessage 直接向指定窗口发送消息 PostMessage 将消息至于指定窗口的消息队列上 RtlUserSendMessage SendMessage内部调用API RtlUserPostMessage PostMessage内部调用API GlobalSimulation SendInput 直接模拟鼠标或键盘操作 mouse_event 模拟鼠标 keyboard_event 模拟键盘 表 2 实验环境
VM CPU 内存 操作系统 VM1 2 cores 1 GB Win7 SP1 (64 bit) VM2 2 cores 1 GB Win7 SP1 (32 bit) 表 3 外挂测试样本
外挂工具 相关外挂技术 外挂行为描述 FIFA 10 FIFA Cheater 0.5 CreateRemoteThread 注入 内存修改 Mr.Anti.Fun Cheat CreateRemoteThread 注入 内存修改 CPY FIFA Cheater QueueUserApc 注入 代码注入 FIFA Auto Runner 窗口模拟 挂机脚本 CROSS FIRE Sniper Rifle 1.0 CreateRemoteThread 注入 内存修改 LOCK Health Cheater QueueUserApc 注入 内存修改 Ice Modz 6041 Rc1 Hook Windows 消息注入 内存修改 Crossfire Hacker 线程劫持注入 代码注入 Remote Dll Injector 所有注入技术 DLL注入 Assassin Wall Cf 窗口模拟 挂机脚本 Auto-Shooter 输入法注入/全局模拟 挂机脚本 Antifun GOLD Getter 线程劫持注入/窗口模拟 挂机脚本 表 4 反外挂系统防御效果对比
外挂技术 反外挂系统 CheatBlocker Nprotect Xray Warden GameGuard EasyAntiCheat 创建远程线程注入 √ √ √ √ √ √ 插入APC注入 √ √ × × √ √ 线程劫持注入 √ √ × √ √ √ Hook Windows消息注入 √ × √ × √ √ 输入法注入 √ × × × √ √ 全局模拟 √ × × × √ × 窗口模拟 √ × × × √ × 是否支持64位系统 √ √ √ √ × √ 表 5 反外挂系统系统开销对比
系统开销 No Anti-Cheat CheatBlocker Nprotect Xray Warden GameGuard EasyAntiCheat 平均CPU占用 (%) 23.5 28.7 25.8 26.4 23.3 30.8 29.4 平均内存占用(%) 35.3 35.8 34.7 37.5 36.5 36.7 35.8 平局启动时间(s) 20.1 24.6 23.4 22.8 22.3 28.9 25.7 -
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