Improved Quantum Attack on Type-1 Generalized Feistel Schemes and Its Application to CAST-256
摘要: 广义Feistel结构(GFS)是设计对称密码算法的重要基础结构之一,其在经典计算环境中受到了广泛的研究。但是,量子计算环境下对GFS的安全性评估还相当稀少。该文在量子选择明文攻击(qCPA)条件下和量子选择密文攻击(qCCA)条件下,分别对Type-1 GFS进行研究,给出了改进的多项式时间量子区分器。在qCPA条件下,给出了3d – 3轮的多项式时间量子区分攻击,其中
$d(d \ge 3)$ 是Type-1 GFS的分支数,攻击轮数较之前最优结果增加$d - 2$ 轮。得到更好的量子密钥恢复攻击,即相同轮数下攻击的时间复杂度降低了${2^{(d - 2)n/2}}$ 。在qCCA条件下,对于Type-1 GFS给出了$3d - 2$ 轮的多项式时间量子区分攻击,比之前最优结果增加了$d - 1$ 轮。该文将上述区分攻击应用到CAST-256分组密码中,得到了12轮qCPA多项式时间量子区分器,以及13轮qCCA多项式时间量子区分器,该文给出19轮CAST-256的量子密钥恢复攻击。-
- 分组密码 /
- 广义Feistel结构 /
- 量子攻击 /
- CAST-256加密算法
Abstract: Generalized Feistel Schemes (GFS) are important components of symmetric ciphers, which have been extensively researched in classical setting. However, the security evaluations of GFS in quantum setting are rather scanty. In this paper, more improved polynomial-time quantum distinguishers are presented on Type-1 GFS in quantum Chosen-Plaintext Attack (qCPA) setting and quantum Chosen-Ciphertext Attack (qCCA) setting. In qCPA setting, new quantum polynomial-time distinguishers are proposed on$3d - 3$ round Type-1 GFS with branches$d \ge 3$ , which gain$d - 2$ more rounds than the previous distinguishers. Hence, key- recovery attacks can be obtained, whose time complexities gain a factor of${2^{\frac{{\left( {d - 2} \right)n}}{2}}}$ . In qCCA setting,$3d - 3$ round quantum distinguishers can be obtained on Type-1 GFS, which gain$d-1$ more rounds than the previous distinguishers. In addition, given some quantum attacks on CAST-256 block cipher. 12-round and 13-round polynomial-time quantum distinguishers are obtained in qCPA and qCCA settings, respectively. Hence, the quantum key-recovery attack on 19-round CAST-256 is derived. -
表 1 Type-1 GFS的量子区分器的轮数
来源 攻击条件 $r$ $d = 3$ $d = 4$ $d = 5$ $d = 6$ $d = 7$ 文献[35] qCPA 2d–1 5 7 9 11 13 4.1节 qCPA 3d–3 6 9 12 15 18 4.2节 qCCA 3d–2 7 10 13 16 19 表 2 在量子环境下对Type-1 GFS的密钥恢复攻击
来源 区分器轮数 密钥恢复轮数 复杂度(log) 穷搜复杂度(log) 文献[35] $2d - 1$ $r \ge {d^2}$ $T + ({{r - {d^2} + d - 2)n} / 2}$ ${{rn} / 2}$ 4.1节 $3d - 3$ $r \ge {d^2}$ $T + ({{r - {d^2})n} / 2}$ ${{rn} / 2}$ 表 3 CAST-256的量子攻击
来源 攻击条件 区分器轮数 密钥恢复攻击轮数 $r = 14$ $r = 15$ $r = 16$ $r = 17$ $r = 18$ $r = 19$ 文献[35] qCPA 7 ${2^{74}}$ ${2^{92.5}}$ ${2^{111}}$ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ 5.1节 qCPA 12 ${2^{37}}$ ${2^{55.5}}$ ${2^{74}}$ ${2^{92.5}}$ ${2^{111}}$ $ - $ 5.2节 qCCA 13 ${2^{18.5}}$ ${2^{37}}$ ${2^{55.5}}$ ${2^{74}}$ ${2^{92.5}}$ ${2^{111}}$ -
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