A Novel Imaging Approach for Improving Azimuth Angular Resolution of Automotive Radars
Abstract:As the azimuth angular resolution is limited by the antenna length in automotive radars, a novel imaging approach for improving azimuth angular resolution of automotive radars is proposed based on multi-beam real-aperture radar images combination processing. Firstly, the antenna beam of the phased array antenna is electronically scanned to obtain forward-looking real-aperture radar images. Afterwards, multiple real-aperture radar images are coherent accumulated according to the imaging geometry of automotive radar to improve azimuth angular resolution. Simulation results validate the proposed imaging approach to improve the azimuth angular resolution of automotive radar.
表 1 车载前视成像雷达仿真参数
参数 数值 雷达载频 96 GHz 方位向天线长度 0.3 m 系统PRF 4000 Hz 脉冲宽度 80 μs 信号带宽 1 GHz 去斜接收后雷达信号采样率 150 MHz AD量化位数 12位 方位波束扫描角度范围 ±15° 雷达作用距离 20~300 m 波束跃度 0.3° 合成孔径长度 10 m 汽车速度 15 m/s 表 2 点目标聚焦性能指标
模式 目标 距离向 方位向 分辨率(m) PSLR(dB) ISLR(dB) 分辨率(°) PSLR(dB) ISLR(dB) 实孔径图像 P1 0.09 –13.26 –9.98 0.390 –26.40 –22.24 P2 0.09 –13.26 –9.98 0.380 –26.52 –22.47 P3 0.09 –13.26 –9.98 0.390 –26.40 –22.24 实孔径理论值 P1 0.09 –13.26 –9.80 0.380 –26.60 –22.30 P2 0.09 –13.26 –9.80 0.380 –26.60 –22.30 P3 0.09 –13.26 –9.80 0.380 –26.60 –22.30 合成处理图像(10 m合成孔径) P1 0.09 –13.26 –9.98 0.010 –13.18 –9.74 P2 0.09 –13.26 –9.98 0.390 –26.52 –22.29 P3 0.09 –13.26 –9.98 0.010 –13.18 –9.74 合成处理理论值(10 m合成孔径) P1 0.09 –13.26 –9.80 0.010 –13.26 –9.80 P2 0.09 –13.26 –9.80 0.390 –26.60 –22.30 P3 0.09 –13.26 –9.80 0.010 –13.26 –9.80 合成处理图像(15 m合成孔径) P1 0.09 –13.06 –9.72 0.007 –13.08 –9.44 P2 0.09 –13.26 –9.98 0.390 –26.52 –22.29 P3 0.09 –13.06 –9.72 0.007 –13.07 –9.40 合成处理理论值(15 m合成孔径) P1 0.09 –13.26 –9.80 0.007 –13.26 –9.80 P2 0.09 –13.26 –9.80 0.390 –26.60 –22.30 P3 0.09 –13.26 –9.80 0.007 –13.26 –9.80 -
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