An Improved Template Analysis Method Based on Power Traces Preprocessing with Manifold Learning
摘要: 能量数据作为模板攻击过程中的关键对象,具有维度高、有效维度少、不对齐的特点,在进行有效的预处理之前,模板攻击难以奏效。针对能量数据的特性,该文提出一种基于流形学习思想进行整体对齐的方法,以保留能量数据的变化特征,随后通过线性投影的方法降低数据的维度。使用该方法在Panda 2018 challenge1标准数据集进行了验证,实验结果表明,该方法的特征提取效果优于传统的PCA和LDA方法,能大幅度提高模板攻击的成功率。最后采用模板攻击恢复密钥,仅使用两条能量迹密钥恢复成功率即可达到80%以上。Abstract: As the key object in the process of template analysis, power traces have the characteristics of high dimension, less effective dimension and unaligned. Before effective preprocessing, template attack is difficult to work. Based on the characteristics of energy data, a global alignment method based on manifold learning is proposed to preserve the changing characteristics of power traces, and then the dimensionality of data is reduced by linear projection. The method is validated in Panda 2018 challenge1 standard datasets respectively. The experimental results show that the feature extraction effect of this method is superior over that of traditional PCA and LDA methods. Finally, the method of template analysis is used to recover the key, and the recovery success rates can reach 80% with only two traces.
表 1 向量矩阵计算算法
输入:能量数据${T_\alpha } = {\rm{\{ } }{T_i},0 \le i \le \alpha ,i \in N\}$,对齐参数$k$。 输出:对齐后的能量数据${T'_\alpha }$ (1) for j in range(α), do (2) 计算与${T_j}$ 欧式距离最近的$k$条能量迹${\rm{\{ }}{T_{j1}},{T_{j2}}, ··· ,{T_{jk}}\} $; (3) end (4) for j in range (α), do (5) 计算关系向量矩阵${ {{W} }_{{j} } } = \dfrac{ {\left( { {{C} }_i^{ - 1} \cdot { {{1} }_k} } \right)} }{ { { {{\textit{1} } } }_k^{\rm T} \cdot {{C} }_i^{ - 1} \cdot { {{{\textit{1}}} }_k} } }$,其中${ { C}_i} $为
${\rm{\{ }}{T_{j1}},{T_{j2}}, ··· ,{T_{jk}}\} $的协方差矩阵,${ {{{\textit{1}}} }_k}$为$k$维全1向量;(6) end (7) 计算矩阵${{M} } = ({{ {I} } } - {{W} }){({{I} } - {{W} })^{\rm{T} } }$; (8) 设$\beta = \alpha /2$从矩阵M中选择较小的$\beta $个特征值,记为${{{M}}_\beta }$,
计算${T'_\alpha } = T \cdot {{{M}}_\beta }$;(9) return ${T_\alpha }^\prime $。 表 2 PANDA 2018 Challenge1数据集预处理后方差(×104)表(汉明重量不同)
方差 0 1 3 7 15 31 63 127 255 0 4.08 10.99 14.31 16.61 9.80 15.80 18.32 13.02 10.19 1 10.99 2.67 12.49 8.83 7.34 9.50 11.48 5.00 6.33 3 14.31 12.49 8.53 13.62 15.21 12.67 11.73 13.00 15.81 7 16.61 8.83 13.62 3.62 16.24 8.13 11.60 4.99 10.73 15 9.80 7.34 15.21 16.24 4.23 12.21 12.85 9.23 9.84 31 15.80 9.50 12.67 8.13 12.21 4.17 11.62 8.86 9.61 63 18.32 11.48 11.73 11.60 12.85 11.62 4.54 9.26 9.73 127 13.02 5.00 13.00 4.99 9.23 8.86 9.26 1.97 5.23 255 10.19 6.33 15.81 10.73 9.84 9.61 9.73 5.23 4.26 表 3 PANDA 2018 Challenge1数据集预处理后方差(×104)表(汉明重量相同)
方差 7 11 13 14 19 35 67 131 224 7 3.62 11.23 23.70 12.19 13.35 13.52 11.55 14.04 9.86 11 11.23 2.60 18.80 11.73 12.07 11.85 12.43 10.97 10.21 13 23.70 18.80 31.91 23.04 27.09 22.52 23.58 56.33 19.22 14 12.19 11.73 23.04 3.89 12.54 9.52 14.47 14.96 12.70 19 13.35 12.07 27.09 12.54 4.78 13.86 15.33 17.68 11.98 35 13.52 11.85 22.52 9.52 13.86 3.15 15.07 15.10 10.67 67 11.55 12.43 23.58 14.47 15.33 15.07 4.98 17.73 9.50 131 14.04 10.97 56.33 14.96 17.68 15.10 17.73 37.04 20.31 224 9.86 10.21 19.22 12.70 11.98 10.67 9.50 20.31 3.91 表 4 PANDA 2018 Challenge1数据集PCA-20处理后方差(×104)表(汉明重量不同)
方差 0 1 3 7 15 31 63 127 255 0 33.00 27.97 30.58 29.58 28.96 30.91 29.07 31.04 31.06 1 27.97 13.72 15.97 16.05 15.23 16.10 15.99 20.49 14.26 3 30.58 15.97 13.79 16.97 15.97 17.57 15.58 23.60 16.56 7 29.58 16.05 16.97 17.04 16.70 17.60 17.34 22.65 17.31 15 28.96 15.23 15.97 16.70 14.53 16.83 16.07 21.60 16.43 31 30.91 16.10 17.57 17.60 16.83 16.64 16.65 22.57 17.06 63 29.07 15.99 15.58 17.34 16.07 16.65 15.41 22.27 16.76 127 31.04 20.49 23.60 22.65 21.60 22.57 22.27 24.36 22.35 255 31.06 14.26 16.56 17.31 16.43 17.06 16.76 22.35 13.91 表 5 PANDA 2018 Challenge1数据集LDA-20处理后方差(×104)表(汉明重量不同)
方差 0 1 3 7 15 31 63 127 255 0 0.95 1.21 0.93 0.99 1.07 1.09 1.08 1.12 1.13 1 1.21 1.13 1.07 1.17 1.20 1.11 1.24 1.15 1.20 3 0.93 1.07 0.65 0.90 0.99 0.93 1.00 1.05 1.01 7 0.99 1.17 0.90 0.84 0.97 1.02 1.10 1.09 1.06 15 1.07 1.20 0.99 0.97 0.92 1.08 1.17 1.16 1.11 31 1.09 1.11 0.93 1.02 1.08 0.89 1.10 1.10 1.02 63 1.08 1.24 1.00 1.10 1.17 1.10 1.07 1.18 1.15 127 1.12 1.15 1.05 1.09 1.16 1.10 1.18 0.98 1.15 255 1.13 1.20 1.01 1.06 1.11 1.02 1.15 1.15 0.97 -
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