An Adaptive Medical Ultrasound Images Despeckling Method Based on Deep Learning
Abstract:Considering the shortage of traditional medical ultrasound image despeckle methods, an adaptive multi-exposure fusion framework and feedforward convolutional neural network model image despeckle method is proposed. Firstly, an ultrasound image training data set is produced. Then, a multi-exposure fusion framework with adaptive enhancement factors is proposed to enhance the image for effective feature extraction.Finally, a speckle model is trained through the network and a speckle image is obtained. Experimental results show that, compared with the existing methods, this paper can more effectively remove speckle noise in medical ultrasound images and retain more image details.
表 1 模拟斑点肝脏超声图像1不同方法PSNR结果(dB)
方法 斑点噪声的标准差σ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 BI-DTCWT 35.4225 33.8461 32.5368 31.4265 30.3688 NPSM 34.5827 32.9573 31.5366 30.3250 29.2056 NL-means 34.9289 34.1934 33.3554 32.5658 31.6134 BM3D 36.1701 35.7552 35.2485 34.8951 34.2035 Local_entropy_qsp 36.7812 36.1083 35.4363 35.0726 34.5014 DnCNN 35.7701 35.8394 35.8180 35.6769 35.3885 本文方法 36.7203 36.7139 36.6025 36.3568 35.9492 表 4 模拟斑点肝脏超声图像2不同方法
$\beta $ 结果方法 斑点噪声的标准差σ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 BI-DTCWT 0.7078 0.6359 0.5612 0.5099 0.4661 NPSM 0.6830 0.6197 0.5479 0.4990 0.4517 NL-means 0.7191 0.6761 0.6037 0.5449 0.4899 BM3D 0.8030 0.7950 0.7826 0.7683 0.7355 Local_entropy_qsp 0.8263 0.8090 0.7787 0.7567 0.7384 DnCNN 0.9286 0.9238 0.9156 0.9029 0.8812 本文方法 0.9394 0.9325 0.9217 0.9653 0.8836 表 2 模拟斑点肝脏超声图像2不同方法PSNR结果(dB)
方法 斑点噪声的标准差σ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 BI-DTCWT 31.0477 29.5409 28.0856 27.4342 26.2056 NPSM 31.5374 30.0985 28.6745 27.6699 26.6843 NL-means 32.7360 31.7539 30.4860 29.5105 28.4174 BM3D 33.8786 33.3096 32.5436 32.0199 31.2079 Local_entropy_qsp 34.3157 33.2426 32.1706 31.5329 30.8599 DnCNN 34.9760 35.0382 34.8497 34.3851 33.6562 本文方法 35.9280 35.9170 35.6289 35.0301 34.1677 表 3 模拟斑点肝脏超声图像1不同方法
$\beta $ 结果方法 斑点噪声的标准差σ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 BI-DTCWT 0.6416 0.5611 0.4823 0.4291 0.3846 NPSM 0.5972 0.5154 0.4352 0.3817 0.3393 NL-means 0.4522 0.4102 0.3564 0.3262 0.2949 BM3D 0.5969 0.5820 0.5685 0.5477 0.5016 Local_entropy_qsp 0.6540 0.6287 0.5991 0.5842 0.5621 DnCNN 0.7803 0.7726 0.7595 0.7393 0.7106 本文方法 0.8128 0.8011 0.7831 0.7564 0.7208 表 5 真实斑点超声图像不同方法ENL结果
方法 ENL等效视数值 BI-DTCWT 61.2209 NPSM 64.6016 NL-means 109.5584 BM3D 93.4877 Local_entropy_qsp 79.1016 DnCNN 132.9184 本文方法 134.3287 表 6 50张真实斑点超声图像不同方法ENL平均值比较
方法 ENL等效视数值平均值 BI-DTCWT 75.5182 NPSM 75.5941 NL-means 110.6393 BM3D 110.9127 Local_entropy_qsp 93.7911 DnCNN 140.3622 本文方法 147.0689 -
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